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21stCenturyJanes t1_ja8gzbq wrote

We definitely don't have the crazy evangelical Republicans here that much of the country has. Our Republicans tend to be more "I don't want to pay taxes and let me have my guns" type than conservative on social issues like hating women and minorities.

Phil Scott opposed Trump's hateful rhetoric from early on, I appreciate that about him. He's not an insane, hateful Republican.


truckingon t1_ja904jn wrote

We absolutely do have the crazy Republicans here and they run the Vermont Republican Party. The outgoing chair, Deb Billado, is a hard-core Trumper and I'm not sure the incoming chair, Paul Dame, is any better. It's hard to believe Phil Scott is a member of this party.


random_vermonter t1_jaaflt8 wrote

She's not the first crazy Billado. I was bullied by a Billado that tried to run me down in his car when I was in high school. I don't know if they're related but from the same area so it's possible.


Environmental_Big596 t1_ja8v6tc wrote

Massachusetts is the same as we just had Gov. Baker who did 2 terms in an EXTREMELY blue state.


random_vermonter t1_jaaf7nl wrote

Larry Hogan was a moderate Republican governor in a blue state (Maryland). Similar to Scott for his anti-Trump stance.


Generic_Commenter-X t1_ja95a54 wrote

> We definitely don't have the crazy evangelical Republicans here that much of the country has.

In Orange County we had our own batshit crazy Republican run for the legislature (won't do the favor of naming him) who is a self-appointed pastor and thinks women aren't designed to enjoy sex as much as men (among other batshit crazy opinions)—equal to any Republican anywhere in the US.


random_vermonter t1_jaafyba wrote

I don't think he's from VT. He could be but I've noticed an influx of crazy Trumpers mixed in with the folks that fled to this area over the past 2-3 years.


Kixeliz t1_jadbhrn wrote

Nah, KKKlar has been around far longer than that, unfortunately.


geo_walker t1_jaa1jl3 wrote

Crazy republicans do live in Vermont.

From this article.

“Tarrant and at least two other candidates said the shootings in Buffalo and Uvalde were engineered by anti-American actors that have infiltrated the media, academia and government institutions, as part of a larger effort to usurp individual freedom and install a totalitarian government.”

“It’s the elites. The elites are orchestrating this — they’re throwing money at people and they’re getting desperate because they’re losing,” Tarrant said. “That’s my firm opinion.”

And yes people did vote for Kathy Tarrant. She lives in Waterbury so it’s not just the NEK or rural areas.


random_vermonter t1_jaag64s wrote

Jesus, she's basically describing the modern GOP platform. There are too many stupid people buying this crap.


greenglasstree t1_jaa3guo wrote

I dunno. Vermont as a whole is majority atheist but Essex county is full of fat fundie Christians on welfare who constantly accuse LGBT Black Hispanic people of being on welfare.


New_Button228 t1_jac82b1 wrote

"There's no atheist in the foxhole" it doesn't matter if you practice religious beliefs or not at the very core everyone believes in some sort of higher power when put to the test. I don't say this to offend you or anyone else. I say this because at our core as humans we believe that we can transcend our transgressions of the past and become better, and to take it a step further if we can transcend ourselves then we become a higher power to some other living creature. No I'm not saying we become God's just better because we are less ignorant. At the end of the day isn't that how spirituality works.
