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happyonthehill802 t1_j9gc6q5 wrote

Well like many phrases, context is key. My point is not to try to force the people who grew up here, to live to your standards. Vermont, or at least my corner of it, is very live and let live.

To be clear, im a masshole myself. Ive been here 15 years, and get along with everyone in my town, regardless of if i agree with everything they do/say. Changing someones opinion is very hard, changing a vermonters opinion is even harder. However, it turns out if you get past politics, and treat eachother like humans, most of us have a lot more in common than not.

If you move somewhere, and dont like the way the locals do things, lead by example. Do YOUR best, and maybe they'll follow. If not i bet they'll still come pull your car out when you get stuck.