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anusty t1_j7p90fa wrote

People need to get over themselves. When I grew up in VT, we were responsible for our own feelings, not everyone else. Meritocracy ruled, not everyone gets a ribbon.

Only the strong survive; it’s an absolute truth in all of nature…the eternal truth, we’re always at war fighting battles among our fellow humans trying to survive and be happy. Doesn’t always have to be kinetic to be war.


Sudden_Dragonfly2638 t1_j7pf4zm wrote

You realize the reason we are not still stone age brutes is because we came together in groups to achieve a common purpose?

Get your head out of your ass and realize you are responsible to/for others in addition to yourself.


TheTowerBard t1_j7plu4x wrote

People have been helping people since the dawn of man, even when we were stone age brutes. We see it everywhere in nature to. Comments like that person's are just the result of a lifetime of brainwashing. They are afraid of everything and everyone.


anusty t1_j7qz47t wrote

Nothing I said contradicts your point, with which I don’t disagree, but at the end of the day…Darwin was right.


TheTowerBard t1_j7pll7w wrote

This is the ignorant bullshit they brainwashed you with. You want to know another eternal truth? Human beings have always looked out for each other and helped the weakest of their communities. Since the dawn of man. You also see this behavior EVERYWHERE in nature.

"Only the strong survive" can only be said if you apply ZERO thought into what you are saying (how very on brand). It's genuinely the dumbest and most ignorant of all the the dumb ignorant things you chuds say. Even you, as tough and independent as you want to pretend you are, I guarantee you have people you watch out for in life. And I bet there are people watching out for you too. Good on you, but stop pretending there is some issue when other people look out for others as well.

With that said, your racist bullshit isn't welcome in Vermont. Never has been and never will be.


[deleted] t1_j7pywi5 wrote



anusty t1_j7qwc1m wrote

No one said might makes right, stupid


[deleted] t1_j7r0l87 wrote



anusty t1_j7r3cce wrote

Only when you infer your own meaning to the statement. You don’t know my intent nor I yours


MargaerySchrute t1_j7q4774 wrote

“Only the strong survive” So are you admitting you are weak? Because that’s the vibe this is giving. You must really loathe the lesser-abled population. @sudden dragonfly is right, get your head out of your ass