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TheArchitec7 t1_j81ncrb wrote

Sadly, the one who got braked checked is often found at fault if there is no witnesses/video. To an outside observer, ignoring pleas of innocence, it looks like they were going to fast and rear ended the braker.

After someone passed me IN THE BRAKE DOWN LANE in order to brake check me on 89, I was motivated to get dash cam. They cost like $40 for a low end one and it’s a good insurance policy.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j81qo8p wrote

I’ve considered a dash cam as well.

Give the number of people who stopped when the accident happened I think the brake check guy got what was coming.


KITTYONFYRE t1_j82ic5w wrote

No. Absolutely not. It is 100% the fault of the following driver, every time. What if a moose runs in the road, or any of a billion situations you can imagine emergency braking being necessary? If you're that far up someone's ass that then slamming on the brakes ends up with you rear ending them, give some more fucking following distance.

3 seconds absolute minimum.


TheArchitec7 t1_j82lqnz wrote

I agree that a lot of people follow way too close. 1 car length per 10MPH is a good rule. So giving at least 100ft on the highway is appropriate. But brake checking is different. The assholes who do it pull in front of you and then slam on their brakes. If they do it too aggressively there is literally no time to adjust to an appropriate distance because they merge into your lane and immediately brake. Causing an accident because of brake checking like this is 100% the brake checkers fault.


epadafunk t1_j83sq19 wrote

At 65 mph 100 feet is only slightly more than 1 second travel time. No way is that a truly safe following distance on the highway


whaletacochamp OP t1_j820odh wrote

I’ve been saying I need one for years, going on Amazon now to get one. I avoid these people like the plague but sometimes you get sucked into it or at least have it in view.

I was a bit back from this incident but to me it looked pretty clear that one guy brake checked the other. But no way I’m stopping on the side of a busy highway in the dark with my kid in the car to make a statement. Theyre both at fault as far as I’m concerned


gangbangstripperelf t1_j827h5j wrote

I was literally run off the road (rt 15 near the fort) a week after I bought my new truck: low curbed median - I was able to get myself out of my lane, let the douche canoe continue to rampage and merge back in. The next day I went to Costco and bought one for each car…

Upside I’ve gotten some great karma points on r/idiotsincars with the footage of all the chucklefucks around here doing stupid shit in front of me.


whaletacochamp OP t1_j827z2n wrote

VT does have a lot of chucklefuck drivers for sure. What gets me is when they do something he wildly dangerous and inconvenient to many I order to feel good about letting one person out into traffic