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whaletacochamp OP t1_j820odh wrote

I’ve been saying I need one for years, going on Amazon now to get one. I avoid these people like the plague but sometimes you get sucked into it or at least have it in view.

I was a bit back from this incident but to me it looked pretty clear that one guy brake checked the other. But no way I’m stopping on the side of a busy highway in the dark with my kid in the car to make a statement. Theyre both at fault as far as I’m concerned


gangbangstripperelf t1_j827h5j wrote

I was literally run off the road (rt 15 near the fort) a week after I bought my new truck: low curbed median - I was able to get myself out of my lane, let the douche canoe continue to rampage and merge back in. The next day I went to Costco and bought one for each car…

Upside I’ve gotten some great karma points on r/idiotsincars with the footage of all the chucklefucks around here doing stupid shit in front of me.


whaletacochamp OP t1_j827z2n wrote

VT does have a lot of chucklefuck drivers for sure. What gets me is when they do something he wildly dangerous and inconvenient to many I order to feel good about letting one person out into traffic