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maplesasquatch t1_j89vf7z wrote

TLDR: Don't confuse the climate with the weather.


HappilyhiketheHump t1_j8bmedi wrote

Bingo. Hey OP, tell me what impact Vermont has on the global climate?


Traditional_Lab_5468 t1_j8dvcks wrote

lol what does this have to do with anything


HappilyhiketheHump t1_j8e6xiv wrote

Pretty simple. The “bingo” means that the previous post was spot on.

The question to the OP was simple.

Sorry to confuse you.


Traditional_Lab_5468 t1_j8eb40b wrote

I'm not confused about the "bingo", I'm confused about the question. Why ask it? Where did it come from? What does it have to do with anything OP said?


HappilyhiketheHump t1_j8f8nyd wrote

Based on their post, I assume the OP is critical of those who question climate change.

While I don’t question climate change, I am also not naive to the fact that any and all actions taken by Vermont and its residents will do fuck all for preventing/reducing climate change.

So, when the OP is dismissive and calls people deniers it really solves nothing and further serves to divide people.

Personally, I’d rather spend state resources on educating our children than giving a rich people a discount on a Tesla or a heat pump while we tax the rural poor for trying to survive.


Traditional_Lab_5468 t1_j8fcpwt wrote

But OP never made the claim that actions taken by Vermonters will change anything. It's like me saying "gun violence is a problem" and someone else saying "well hey, tell me what defunding the police has done to help that". It's a straw man--OP has made argument A and you're turning around and saying, hey OP, argument B sucks.

OK. You're the only one talking about argument B here, though, so you're just kind of arguing with yourself.


Loudergood t1_j8fugcj wrote

Throwing your hands up in the air and going "Welp, people dump more shit in the water than I do" isn't going to do anything to solve the problem.


HappilyhiketheHump t1_j8g3z4o wrote

K. You keep on telling yourself that subsidizing the wealthy in Vermont with tax payer money is gonna solve the worlds climate issues.


Loudergood t1_j8g5iyt wrote

I get it, Tesla's give you a hate boner.

But there are really good programs that work best for low income folks.


HappilyhiketheHump t1_j8i5si4 wrote

I really like Teslas, but am sick of their design language.

The vast majority of green energy subsidies (EV rebates, solar panel kickbacks) have been used by the upper middle class and the wealthy in Vermont, particularly those who own a home.
Heck, entire solar panel fields were built as investments by rich out of staters who got a guaranteed high return via feed in tariffs.

The rural working class that has to rent a shitty, drafty 100 year old apartment and drive 35+minutes each way has been and currently is getting screwed by the green push from our legislators.


Harmacc t1_j8hp5ra wrote

Those who question climate change are morons.


HappilyhiketheHump t1_j8i4q70 wrote

I agree! Do want the working poor and renters to keep subsidizing the green handouts to the landed gentry of Vermont?