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EastHesperus t1_j8ssqjh wrote

So let me get this straight.. your argument against this is that it’s possible that the spouses are being abusive towards their cop spouse? 10% of all families report domestic abuse, whereas 40% of cop families reported abuse. Either the common connection to this high number are the cops or the highly unlikely chance that all these cops are marrying abusers. That makes no sense. Bad argument. Bad whataboutism. Your skewed and biased look into the data needs work.


raz0rsnak3 t1_j8u1967 wrote

Skewed and biased? Your studies that you reference are garbage, and your logic is garbage. I could poke a thousand holes is your 'argument' that '40% of all cops in the US are wife beaters' but just that statement alone is moronic. You're using stats (poorly) to validate your narrative. Waste of time...