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JMChaseArt t1_jac8bzj wrote

I just saw an article that the Mid Vermont Christian School forfeit their basketball game because there was a trans player on the opposing team. They school filed for state money, with the caveat that they refuse to “give up” their rights to not follow Vermont’s equal rights laws in terms or treatment of LGBTQ+ people and more. I think it’s more than fair that the state is considering denying this funding.


random_vermonter t1_jaccqzu wrote

“Please fund us and let us discriminate..I mean follow our backwards religious decree(s).” - vibe I got from this letter.


notandanafn7 t1_jackm0z wrote

The opposing team’s school, the Long Trail School, would also be stripped of funding under these bills.


lilaprilshowers t1_jad3b9h wrote

This bill would hurt Long Trail more than MVCS. MVCS already gets no public funding and parents will send their kids there whether this bill passes or not, but roughly 2000 Vermont children who mostly attend secular education facilities may have to change schools.


notandanafn7 t1_jad6l96 wrote

Yes. Similar to what someone posted below, the total number of students tuitioned out to religious schools across the entire state could fit in a small classroom. Like you said, these* schools existed before the Supreme Court decision and they’re going to continue to exist. These bills would significantly disrupt a couple thousand students and destroy a 150-year-old model of education in the service of making sure a dozen or so kids can’t use the system to attend religious schools. It’s a completely disproportionate response.

Edit: forgot a word


TheTowerBard t1_jadslyw wrote

Nope. Fund public schools. This is deranged.


sluttymcfuckstick t1_jaegjal wrote

If that's the way you want to go then you're going to see a huge increase in property tax cuz they're going to have to build schools for towns that don't have high schools


TheTowerBard t1_jaeu079 wrote

Or we could just use the tax money we already pay on things that benefit our communities. We are the richest nation in the world. We are supposedly a Christian nation. Providing the absolute best education for all of our children should be a priority. We treat it as less than an afterthought. It’s shameful. And using money and/or taxes for why we can’t do something like this is a result of brainwashing.


random_vermonter t1_jaccl9n wrote

Yeah I don’t want my tax dollars funding this horseshit. Either respect the law or give the money back!


Definitelynotcal1gul t1_jacl9gm wrote

This is great. Basically the opposite of what NH did, which is allow families to take their share of money out of the public fund and use it to send their kids to private school. It's fucking bullshit.


Keatonium765 t1_jadk1tx wrote

woah small world im literally friends with said trans person


Christopher_LX t1_jacqlp0 wrote

“We believe playing against an opponent with a biological male jeopardizes the fairness of the game and the safety of our players,” MVCS head of school Vicky Fogg wrote in an email to the Valley News on Wednesday evening.

While you may find this explanation disingenuous coming from a Christian school, it has merit based on a simple principle of fair play. It's not like the team refused to compete against female players who were black.


AKAManaging t1_jadaba0 wrote

Unfortunately for your argument, it doesn't really have any actual merit.

Should we ban people with polycystic ovarian syndrome?

Again, unfortunately for you, the science doesn't back up the claims.

I can't help but chuckle at your black player comment, because--quite literally--people have for quite a long time claimed that black people are genetically superior. Lol.