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xohannasunx OP t1_jbfodax wrote

It's funny you mentioned Shackleton, my husband reached out to them last month and apparently the job posting he asked after was 7+ months old. Happy to get insight on the pay not being wonderful, maybe it wasn't great to begin with. I'm going to pass along the tip about the timber framing demand you mentioned. My husband was actually looking to get out of it. He used to travel around the country with a field crew doing raisings and it takes quite a physical toll. I could see why you pivoted! We have to keep our options open with the higher cost of living, I guess. Thanks a million for the tips, it's extremely generous. We're really hoping to make this work but need a few things to fall into place first.


Generic_Commenter-X t1_jbg0v93 wrote

How old is he? Would he consider apprenticing/pivoting to electrical work? There's a real demand for electricians (with all the green tech being installed in Vermont). I still subcontract with an energy company and their in-house electrician was making beaucoup de $$$ installing solar panels and heat pumps. I doubt there's much to be made in furniture making. I had a friend who wanted to build and sell custom furniture, but there was little to no demand. He moved to California but didn't fare much better, so maybe the problem was his furniture? It's possible to get by as a carpenter, with a working spouse, but the real money is in contracting with a crew. I would NOT recommend Shackleton.