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Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_jbgmw6s wrote

If you have a work from home job or a trustfund. If one of the "ingredients to make a good life" is stable housing, that is not attainable for those of us living on wages we earn here.


RoyalIndependence500 t1_jbgsj3k wrote

I certainly have stable housing on wages I earn here, but I know that’s not the reality for a lot of people. And my parents died when I was young, there was no trust fund or ANY money from that. Many people in the medical and technology sector or other fields have jobs that require them to work outside the home and, if they live a reasonable lifestyle, can make things work here. I have friends who own their own business and shops that are doing ok. But again, most of us acquired our housing before the pandemic. It’s a different situation now for people looking.