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Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_jeebxsy wrote

Vermont is never going to be affordable and has no interest in being affordable. The sooner people realize that, the better. The word is out, the gentrification is on, there's no going back to 2019. Does anyone actually believe Vermont is going to build another Burlington (40k housing units) in the next seven years? For Vermont to be affordable it would need to look very different and we all know that's not happening.


I_producethis t1_jegbrxm wrote

You think VT was affordable in 2019? Or exponentially more so than now?


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_jegfpsn wrote

Definitely not affordable but more so than now.


I_producethis t1_jeggnza wrote

Yeah I mean I'll give you that, I've lived here my whole life, and the real estate market has always been somewhat of a bubble. Maybe you saw the article that was posted in this sub last week, explaining that most of our housing shortage issues are the result of people owning second homes, or that is at least the highest percentage of vacant homes and apartments.


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_jegw2u2 wrote

I think they're a lot of causes for the shortage. Not building for many years didn't help. Second homes don't help. Gentrification doesn't help.