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anthonylornemontague t1_iudacgi wrote

This is kinda ridiculous. He definitely shouldn’t be our Senator, but he isn’t KKK. Come on!


VoyageursWitch t1_iuebq0h wrote

He literally brags on his website that he's endorsed by a Christain nationalist organization. It's not a far stretch.


Twombls t1_iue5uwi wrote

This is a meme lmao. You are thinking too hard into it


random_vermonter t1_iue6uxf wrote

Bet his supporters are though. Remember, some (or maybe all) of them boarded a bus from Vermont to the U.S Capitol on 1/6/21.


fjwjr t1_iueb0e6 wrote

Oh FFS. You people are just tedious and lame


random_vermonter t1_iueb7wy wrote

Hurt your feelings?


fjwjr t1_iuejygr wrote

Comments like that are so juvenile and predictable. No thought involved. Just a predictable knee jerk response to anything you don’t like. It doesn’t make me weary of the person you’re talking about. It makes me more interested in that person because you’re not able to articulate what you see as ‘wrong’. So I’m going to look into it myself with a more understanding eye.

In other words, you’re irrational hate is going to more likely make me more sympathetic to the victim of that hate.


random_vermonter t1_iuek5qu wrote

That last line makes absolutely no sense. If I was shitting on Trump or Putin, would you become a stan for either?

But you do you. The rest of us will continue to point out the absurdity of Gerald Malloy and his bootlickers.


fjwjr t1_iuem8n7 wrote

No. You still don’t seem to understand. I know literally nothing about this guy. I’ve seen no ads or flyers. Just signs. So I see someone who only says ‘he’s KKK and so are his followers’ is an obviously stupid statement.

And you say you’ll continue to point out his absurdity, but you’ve pointed out nothing. This is such a useless thread and you’ve contributed nothing to it. This literally applies to you.


random_vermonter t1_iuemfhq wrote

You don't seem to know anything either. You've been silent on Stephen K.Bannon's support of Malloy and Malloy's sympathy for 1/6 insurrectionists, even saying that he wishes he was there.

You're just attacking me because you don't like that I and others have an opinion on someone you probably like and support.


fjwjr t1_iuepsfj wrote

So you can’t read. I literally said that I know nothing about this guy. facepalm emoji

Here we go though. I bet your next response is that I’m KKK because I don’t know about the guy….

In 3, 2, 1…..


random_vermonter t1_iuepwcj wrote

My next response is to ask you why you're wasting my time with these replies?


fjwjr t1_iufg5ju wrote

Because you said something hateful and dumb just for the sake of being hateful and dumb.

I don’t know anything about this guy other than (now) I realize he’s a Republican. And from your responses, it seems that’s all you know too and you’re such a tribalist that it causes you to post hateful things without knowing anything of what you’re talking about.

I could easily go to his website and learn about him, but I’m waiting for you to teach me up. So far you don’t seem to be able to.


FyuckerFjord OP t1_iudahlu wrote

Never said he was.


charliedontplaydat t1_iuddosr wrote

You made a post heavily directly implying he might have slipped in dog whistle images. If I was Malloy, I’d be figuring out how to sue you for Libel.


Inyabung t1_iudnu8h wrote

>If I was Malloy, I’d be figuring out how to sue you for Libel.

What a completely reasonable and not insane reaction to a meme


random_vermonter t1_iue6qam wrote

It would be more productive to sue the Malloy campaign for littering.


charliedontplaydat t1_iuet46d wrote

I agree. But the precedence is there. I only said so I’m an effort to let OP know.


FyuckerFjord OP t1_iudfxpq wrote

"Not saying it was intentional or even a Fruedian slip." ~ My exact words.

Pointing out something looks like something isn't libel.


charliedontplaydat t1_iudizof wrote

Okay, you do you.

Edit: free speech is free speech, but associating a person with a hate group is something else entirely. OP can make whatever memes they want, however shitty in quality they want, but the point remains they’re making a big accusation here.

I’m a socialist and a progressive and don’t support Malloy. I have a favorite Malloy “decoy” sign in fact. You guys can get butt hurt but libel is a slippery slope to edge upon the precipice of.


YOurAreWr0ng t1_iudp21w wrote

You’re a real piece of work lol


charliedontplaydat t1_iudrsua wrote

Lmao why? I have always felt like people say this when they don’t have vocabulary to explain what they see is wrong. You’ll have to elaborate, if you can.
