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elefantsblue t1_irayvzh wrote

And the waste that last 10,000 years?


chad_bro_chill_69 t1_irbjv59 wrote

Better to make sure our planet lasts 10,000 years than not take action to address it’s most immediate challenge now.


cpujockey t1_irbsd0p wrote

We've figured out safe methods of storing nuclear waste, and even repurpose depleted uranium for other applications.

Nuclear energy is by far the best investment we could make. It actually generates less radiation than coal during operation - unless you're in Chernobyl and russia says - TEST THE SHIT OUT OF YOUR REACTOR!

seriously though, don't discount nuclear energy. It's basically just hydro electric in a closed system. basically fuel rods radiating energy causing water to boil turn a turbine, its really that simple.


elefantsblue t1_irbsvsd wrote

It’s literally ripping apart the universe to satisfy our own wishes. Nah dog, I’ll pass.


cpujockey t1_irbt083 wrote

> It’s literally ripping apart the universe to satisfy our own wishes.

how so?


elefantsblue t1_irbt4ud wrote

That’s what fission is…


cpujockey t1_irbtdq3 wrote

fission isn't required for a reactor. literally the radiation of the element is what boils the water. the fuel rod isn't energized or doing any science fiction - they just put the mother fucker in there.

fission is what happens when nuclear bombs are dropped - that is the reaction of splitting an atom.

ffs - if mr. gunderson was here he could school your ass in this.


elefantsblue t1_irbuac3 wrote

According to the US Energy Administration and I quote, “All nuclear power plants use fission.” Lol


cpujockey t1_irbvae7 wrote

admittedly - I had fission confused for fusion. you are correct. i cannot brain today.


elefantsblue t1_irbvfxg wrote

Nope. Fusion is what the sun does. Bombs are still fission.


cpujockey t1_irbviyw wrote

correct. and I need sleep or more coffee. cant decided yet.


elefantsblue t1_irbw667 wrote

I like to drink a bunch of coffee and then go to sleep to make up extra refreshed. Good luck!


grnmtnboy0 t1_irbdimm wrote

That' a problem, yes, but not insurmountable. We will figure it out in time. I think the benefits far outweigh the costs


elefantsblue t1_irbt1tu wrote

Figure it out in time!? You have that much faith left in humanity? Seriously.


grnmtnboy0 t1_irbx3r9 wrote

Faith in governments? No, not much. But I do have faith in humanity.


elefantsblue t1_irbxdsx wrote

That’s great. I do not. Not in the system we’re currently in. Solutions only happen if the come with profit.