
DCLexiLou t1_jdiu55y wrote

Seemed to and actually did last for years are two different things.

Wiper blades on average need replacing every 6 months, the materials in premium brands are better than the cheap stuff but they will still wear out, they'll just work better while they wear out vs. ripping or shredding that can occur with cheap blades.

Bosch and Michelin have quality blades.


DCLexiLou t1_jcjz9p7 wrote

Dumb cuz in PVD it’s the only night worse than NYE for amateurs going way past their limits. If you like the idea of queuing for a piss and finding people (women in the men’s room included) pissing in the sinks, in the trash can, etc. then enjoy!

Guess it was ok when I was 19 but yeesh, not anymore.


DCLexiLou t1_jcjvrfg wrote

Sounds like a quality cordless model would work for you. Buy Makita, Milwaukee, Bosch or similar for longevity and product support if needed.


DCLexiLou t1_j7p06xx wrote

2nd that. George and his family are great folks and the food is great, especially the wieners! Kips' used to be a favorite of mine in Pawtucket but sadly they're gone now.


DCLexiLou t1_j386tub wrote

I hear this all the time and I find it to be curious. Just because we are a white state doesn't mean that it makes us a racist state. Correlation does not equal causation.

People in Vermont are slow to warm to newcomers. Doesn't matter who, what, why, where or when. That's just the way it is with most folks here.

Want to be part of the community?

  • Show up to local school basketball games, attend town meetings, make friends with your nearest librarian.
  • Always be willing to lend a hand and to keep your opinion to yourself unless you really need to share. Ask yourself; Does it need to be said? Does it need to be said by me? Does it need to be said by me right now?

Hope you find Vermont to be the wonderful place it can be for you and your SO.


DCLexiLou t1_j3814p6 wrote

It doesn't have to be that expensive if you are prudent with your usage during outages. We have a Bluetti AC-300 at the moment that is not tied in but will be this year with a transfer switch and additional Power Modules. It easily runs our oil furnace and blower motor. The system is expandable up to 12.5kw. We have 3 ecoflo solar panels that can be run in tandem and they are great as an add-on. One big plus for this system is that it can be recharged via your car/truck. Pull the car out of the garage, fire it up, plug it in for a recharge session. A lot easier than adding propane tanks for the few outages you'll have to deal with on average.

Good luck with your setup.


DCLexiLou t1_j2sa0ri wrote

Depends. Most state parks in VT open Memorial Day Weekend. Mid to late June is a great time and if you are tent camping, sites should be plentiful. If you need a lean-to some of the more desirable parks fill up quickly.

It's always easiest to call the parks directly for last minute visits.


DCLexiLou t1_ius2o1i wrote

The S curves through Pawtucket exist thanks to political power held by wealthy and influential landowners. The To Kalon Club and the mansion that at one time in recent past was the Children's Museum were just a couple of the properties involved.

Also, operating and still profitable mills were in the path and would not be readily demolished due to economic impact.


DCLexiLou t1_itpl2ej wrote

Hi and welcome to the discussion. As a flatlander I'll start off (if you weren't born here, even if you have generations of native born relatives you will be a flatlander, just know it and forget about it).

Been coming here all my life after living in RI, moved to NW VT 10 years ago with a wife and 3 kids. Small town k-8 school, high school choice and slower pace of life combined to make it the best move of our lives.

Vermont is lovely, green, snow covered, mud filled, paved, dirt, liberal, conservative, libertarian, spiritual, atheist, you name it we've got it all wrapped into a splendid mix that somehow collectively works because most of us are good decent and kind people who will slooooooowwwly warm to you given time. There's a certain sense of belonging that comes when your Vietnam Veteran neighbor finally lifts his 2 fingers off the top of his steering wheel in a simple gesture that acknowledges your existence! It's the best! :-)

  • Housing - expensive-ish. A lot of people will roast me for this but I stand by my statement that housing is available if you are willing to accept something other than what you may be used to or initially desire. Example, single family home in South Hero will set you back a min these days of 400 - 800k, where a manufactured home in a cooperative owned park may have a lovely community, well cared for infrastructure and stability of being self owned. Many will not even consider such options, those who do may often find success. Alternatively, consider smaller than you think you need. Smaller footprint is cheaper to heat and cool (yes, AC is starting to catch on up here!)
  • Schools - great options. Vermont typically has been strong on education and has been investing in STEM and Tech training programs and centers for some time now. We had a major issue state wide several years back called Act 46 which sought to save $ by consolidating smaller schools and districts. It was challenging for many though the results for most areas that heavily involved themselves has been good. Be engaged in your local school, go to School Board meetings to get a sense of the tone.
  • Location Vergennes is a great spot. Pre-kids, my wife and I would make weekend trips in our Volvo 240 to eat at Vermont Pasta (then in Vergennes and Burlington, sadly gone now), grab a room at the Sky View Motel and enjoy all Vermont has to offer. We started camping in Grand Isle State Park when our kids were quite young and it cemented Vermont as the place for us to set our roots.
  • People - great mix. You will hear:
    • that Vermont is a Blue state, it is.
    • that we are a bunch of tree hugging hippies, just some of us! (Peace, Love, Dope!) extra points if you can name the movie that's from!
    • we're a bunch of liberals. Nah we're a bag of mixed nuts that heavily leans towards people over politics, not worrying about each other's private habits (bedroom or otherwise), and trying to do what's right for humans and animals.

That's about all I can put down at the moment. Feel free to comment with any questions and I'll try to help out. Good luck. 🍀🍁🌈❄️☃️🍎☮️☮