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Corey307 t1_it55zbu wrote

You missed the part where the person of interest also stole the vehicle they’re in and there was body armor and a bunch of guns in the vehicle when it was stolen. That’s definitely not great. It should serve as a public service announcement do not leave firearms in your vehicle let alone several of them, that’s how you get several gun stolen and guns aren’t exactly cheap.


Vermonter623 t1_it56m50 wrote

Awesome! More guns for scumbags because people weren’t smart enough to lock them up.


Corey307 t1_it57lzo wrote

Pretty much, I own firearms but they’re kept secured and when I carry I carry on body and concealed. Rather not freak people out by open carrying, personally I’m not a fan of open carry because it seems like a lot of people who do so do it because they want attention.


Detritus_AMCW t1_it57vyu wrote

Well that and if someone has ill intent... shoot the guy advertising he is carrying first.


Corey307 t1_it5ao4x wrote

Exactly, it can make you a target for a variety of reasons. Personally I’d rather not freak people out either, I carry because I’ve seen some horrible shit in this life not because I want to use it or act tough.


Detritus_AMCW t1_it5bp71 wrote

Indeed. I've lived in many open carry states and the folks packing in the open may be a deterrent, but if rounds are going down range I would rather have the element of surprise in my toolkit. That and it makes it harder for someone to make up a story of you threatening them with a gun just because they know you have one.