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ImaginaryQualia t1_iu7gzdo wrote

OP is right to be mad. These companies (not just trailer park owners, but most rental property owners) view basic human need as an investment. The corporate ones literally tell investors that the renters have no other place to go, so they can be squeezed for more money. It is wrong to have that mentality. It is wrong. Coercion for profit is wrong. Fuck you if you disagree. Who cares if their rent is low, have a little solidarity with people.


darcy1805 t1_iu9k5td wrote

This is run by a non profit organization that is the main provider of affordable housing in Addison County. They have a small staff and are not making bank off of these properties; according to their annual report they have seven staff that split $233k in salary expense- that’s $33k per person. Understandable that it’s frustrating to feel neglected at this location for the cost of the lot fee, but improvements are being made across the dozens of properties that ACCT is managing on a tight budget. They likely have other priorities, like the 200 housing insecure families on a waitlist for affordable units in the county.


cpujockey t1_iuhv0m9 wrote

So what you're saying is you're a land lord apologist.

No one gives a shit about us over there. They are profiting off of us and evicting people for stupid shit. We have legitimate concerns about safety that fall on deaf ears.

Darcy - I am sure you're one of the office workers. Especially pulling info from their site.


darcy1805 t1_iuipr7t wrote

Nope, I have no connection to them except in appreciating having an affordable housing developer in the county. Because if they aren’t doing that work to create and maintain affordable units here, no one else is. But I hear what you’re saying about the properties you’ve lived in feeling neglected, and honestly don’t know what’s needed.


missoularat t1_iu7w22b wrote

But if you object and bring legit legal backing, you can shut them down


cpujockey t1_iu9eye9 wrote

Yes but in our leases we have a stipulation that we have to pay their legal fees no matter if we're the prevailing party or not.