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Buujabuu t1_iv27win wrote

Do you actually think this is an issue in VT?


cpujockey t1_iv3n15a wrote

I think for the most part the Rinos here are gunna be ok. Douches like Malloy might loose their minds - but they'll likely be drowning themselves in cheap gin and rent boys.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_iv5b258 wrote

This will get downvoted to hell but hopefully someone will see it first.

You gotta stop calling a male who has never shown any inclination of being gay a homosexual as the punchline of a joke. You may mot be using a slur but your whole joke is they are having sex with men. It’s homophobic. I doubt you are a rampant homophobe but when we as a society continue to use “straight man is gay” as an insult or punchline it perpetuates the problem,

There are so many.. so so many other things to insult this guy with cant you come up with something better. For real. Just stop. Stop with the “straight guy sucks dicks” or “straight guy is gay” jokes . Regardless of your intent, it is homophobic.

Wanda Sykes explained this much better than I am. There was a whole think before you speak campaign in 2008. It took a while, to sink in with me but eventually I got it.

If we want to stop marginalizing a community, stop making the sexual preference an insult. Simple enough.


cpujockey t1_iv7blzb wrote

So the trend of Republican makes drowning their sorrows in alcohol and rent boys is homophobic.

Maybe I need to make life style choices.


dyingbreed6009 t1_iv2bj4o wrote

Please move back to whatever state you came from.. VT isn't like this and if you actually are from here, you would know. Stop trying to stir up unnecessary sh@! If your board help your neighbor.. If you yern for drama Please do everyone a favor and leave.


cpujockey t1_iv3napq wrote

Give yer balls a tug.

We got flatlanders here. They're mostly in Burlington and they're learning our ways. With time in the community comes respect. St the end of the day we'll all be helping push each other's cars out of snow banks cause that's what we do.


dyingbreed6009 t1_iv46ct6 wrote

I hear ya man... Trouble is they are all moving here at the same time, and joining up with school boards and getting involved with politics and policys spreading their woke nonsence at a faster rate then we can show them what it's like to be Vermonters... I suppose a couple of hard winters might teach them.. but most of them have more money then God, and are pretty set in their ways and don't really know the struggles of an average Vermonter and don't care because they are to preoccupied with the latest and greatest... Eventually VT will just be a colder CA, full of rude ungrateful A-holes with the combined common sence of one VT farmer, and that may be pushing it.. Grown ass men walking around in stupid looking puffy jackets, holding hands with some high maintenance woman while they roam the sidewalks of manchester Burlington or Woodstock.. I can't even drive through those places anymore. They are to far gone.. Yeah if one was stuck on the side of the road I'd still help them out because that's what we do... That VT pushover niceness will be our demise because they won't hear any flack from any Vermonter who's busy just trying to get by. One day it will just be; What do you mean we can't have our guns anymore? or what do you mean we can't burn wood anymore? Well the flatlander neighbors of yours have been complaining... Why can't I get parts for my farm truck anymore? Well those flatlanders think it's no good for the environment.. Here's a 100,000 electric one though, you can't afford it, well you'll just have to take out a loan and work till you die.

Then we will be the bad guys for saying anything that goes against whatever nonsence agenda they are trying to push, then you can tug on yer balls all you want but it won't jolt you back to the Vermont way you once knew and loved... You'll just be standing there looking like a cow staring at a new gate.


Interesting-Prior613 t1_iv25kv2 wrote

Where are these threats you speak of? Id like to read about them myself.


Eagle_Arm t1_iv2bzty wrote

The threats in Vermont? In their head. I haven't seen anything crazy out there. I think we saw more campaigning during primaries.


Interesting-Prior613 t1_iv27jet wrote

All three of these articles cite the same instances in Arizona. And the fear of it happening in other places. Is that enough to cause concern in our state of Vermont?


triptopdropblop t1_iv2q3xz wrote

Are these violent republicans in the room with you now?


Jerry_Williams69 t1_iv2hh7b wrote

My family moved here to get away from that shit (amongst other things). So far, it has been pretty much non-existent. I'm not worried about it locally. Other parts of the country might be insane tho.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_iv3ml48 wrote

This is not an issue in VT and your post is fear mongering.

*you didn’t upset right wing brigadiers, you just look really foolish in front of a bunch of people who have no issue telling you that.


Generic_Commenter-X t1_iv6aa4w wrote

This is not an issue in VT....


I'm worried though. We've got John Klar running in Orange County and he is a hardcore MAGA Culture Warrior who runs at the mouth like a diarrhettic cow. He calls parents and medical professionals Nazis for condoning procedures he doesn't personally approve of. The thought that women might have the same sexual drive as men makes him want to vomit. He's a flat out liar who says he supports abortion up to three months then tells all his Vermont confederate flag flyers that if we just give fetuses personhood there will be no abortion ever and he's all for it. He's called Governor Scott a RINO, thinks taxpayers should pay for farmers to turn all their farms into CSAs (to be clear, he wants money from taxpayers for his own farm), and despises gays and lesbians (calls gay marriage "sodomy couplings") and tells poor Vermonters if they can't afford food then they should grow their own. Duh. Oh, and he wants you to know that Vermont farms were built by White People (capitalized) because blacks don't like cold weather. That's why they were all cotton farmers.

And this clown may be elected over Mark MacDonald who, I hear, just had a heart attack or stroke (and it's no wonder). If Klar is elected, it's a sign that Vermont is catching the disease spreading like a malign virus in the rest off the country, as in right wing ass-holery.


seanner_vt2 t1_iv2bxwq wrote

I think intimidation is a non-issue in this state. Both red and blue have firearms and no qualm against using them to protect themselves


cpujockey t1_iv3nku8 wrote

I'm a proponent for firearms ownership. Truth is real firearm owners look at their arms as a last resort and aim to deescalation and don't go waving their shit around storing the pot. We're not all eager to start 'blastin'.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_iv3ta3o wrote

Responsible != Real, as by definition, every crazy who shoots someone owns a firearm. (Not necessarily legally).


mittens694 t1_iv33ixo wrote

Seriously? Hardcore 1 sided brainwashed people like yourself are the real problem with this country..


Corey307 t1_iv4ht92 wrote

u/Quirfg stop trying to stir the pot over an issue that is not an issue here. So you moved here a month ago and you’re trying to project bullshit that’s happening in other far away states here when it’s not happening here. Vermont is one of the bluest states out there and others have eloquently put it out it’s not just the Republicans that own guns here. Despite high gun ownership there is surprisingly a little gun crime outside largely drug related murders we’ve seen in Burlington this year. You’re panicking about a non-issue and that’s a really shitty way to ingratiate yourself in a new community. You move to a low crime blue state, stop freaking out. this is coming from a gun owning liberal who moved here over three years ago and has tried to ingratiate themselves not act like a freaked out weirdo. You literally just got here, if you’re really this concerned why can’t you bother to participate in your own thread?


dyingbreed6009 t1_iv5z040 wrote

Maybe if she turned off the news for a minute and actually enjoyed where she lived... Thank you for moving here and having some decency and willingness to be a normal functioning member of our state...


Corey307 t1_iv65lxd wrote

I will admit I’m deeply bothered by things that are happening in our nation and around the world but they aren’t happening here. I worry about real local problems like how this state pretends to be progressive but does fuck all to actually be progressive regarding its prison system, mental healthcare and dealing with poverty.


Ok-Title-270 t1_iv3ubfy wrote

Neither of those things are happening so nothing


murrly t1_iv4e0by wrote

Holy fuck your post/comment history.

Go outside and get some fresh air bro.


murrly t1_iv4dsga wrote

God you need to turn off CNN and MSNBC

Its Vermont. nothing is gonna happen here lmao


friedmpa t1_iv3z0s0 wrote

voting very blue


dyingbreed6009 t1_iv5tdz6 wrote

In response to your edit: See now thats the snuty snobby attitude that real Vermonters don't have... instead of learning and acknowledging the fact that VT isn't like this..and perhaps apologizing for the misunderstanding.. you blow me off and tell me how amused you are, last I checked usually extreamest threats are not preceded with a please... without even an intelligent rebuttal comment back.. I'm not even right wing, If it were up to me all politicians should be put on some remote island in the middle of nowhere because they are all equally worthless....


[deleted] OP t1_iv5wy2a wrote



dyingbreed6009 t1_iv5zufz wrote

That's it.... That's the extent of your own thoughts. 🤦 turn off the news and develope your own ideas.


Corey307 t1_iv65sps wrote

A lot of us liberals think you’re behaving badly as well, what you’re talking about is not happening here. You got here a month ago, try to become part of the community instead of screeching about what the community needs to be doing in response to a non issue. This isn’t Arizona, we don’t have armed people standing outside of ballot boxes.

Your problem is you’re not engaging with any of us, you’re just talking down to us because you think you know better because you came from somewhere else. I came here from SoCal about 3 1/2 years ago and it’s the safest place I’ve ever lived. Nobody gives a fuck about my politics, virtually no one has even asked me about them. You just seem desperate to stir shit up and talk down to the locals, why did you even come here if you didn’t want to become part of the community? People like you are why a lot of locals don’t like any of us transplants.


code_moose t1_iv605rf wrote

Erm…looking for a problem where there is none


Competitive_Wing_614 t1_iv5fv5b wrote

Are you a Dem, Republican, or some other party affiliation? Just curious—seriously.


[deleted] OP t1_iv2aet1 wrote

