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somedudevt t1_iy1utqv wrote

We have gained some 8-10k residents in 2 years. As you are finding there is nowhere to put people. I mean I guess we can just board everyone at the hotels like we have been since Covid started, but we have almost 1000 people in state funded hotel housing right now, with no permanent residence, and every day there are more people coming here because we have gay rights, and abortion rights and it’s pretty, and we are liberals. I wish everyone in the country could live here, but until Montpelier fixes the housing crisis (bans ABnB, eminent domains unoccupied investment/2nd homes), and finds a way to cap predatory rental rates, we CAN’T have more people showing up adding to the housing shortage. You probably had no idea what you were getting into when you moved here, and most don’t, then they find themselves in this spot, needing a place to live but everything is out of the budget, or not being able to afford heating fuel because they are paying above their means in rent/mtg.

Intent isn’t to be an asshole, it’s to state the honest truth. We have a crisis. We need get through the line of people already waiting before we add more.


EscapedAlcatraz t1_iy358i0 wrote

Just how many people do you want to see here? Another thousand? Ten thousand?