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t1_ivockfz wrote

People like Gerald Malloy deserve and shall continue to get as much mocking, derision, and abject contempt as possible. Why let a shitheel like him fade away when it's much more fun to dance on his grave? Lighten up.


t1_ivok20z wrote

Because they exist to absorb that mocking and derision like rocket fuel. They want to be martyrs for their cause. The more they piss you off, the more others wanting to see you pissed off pay attention to them.

Anonymity is how you kill their momentum. Attention is how you expand it. Learn from the Trump years.


t1_ivokmi5 wrote

Malloy just got absolutely crushed and all the Trump backed wack jobs nationally got shit on.

You're afraid of the boogie man.


t1_ivomlo6 wrote

No, you're just belligerent and immature


t1_ivoxys7 wrote

If pointing out that your central thesis was demonstrably and irrefutably rejected both here and in the country as a whole makes me belligerent and immature then so be it. Saying "just don't look" is spineless pissing in the wind. Sunshine and mockery remain the best disinfectant.


t1_ivoz81t wrote

I'll admit I'm immature (despite this being my first comment in this discussion) if you can explain how the mockery that was invariably a part of Malloy's defeat in fact actually empowered him... despite his loss. That's a very interesting argument to present, and I'd really like to see how that works past just saying that's what the case is. It's hard to equate it to Trump considering this isn't a nationwide thing, it was a Vermont thing, it's not exactly equivalent (some might call it a false equivalence...). But I'll let you explain, since I clearly don't get it.