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Amyarchy t1_iwhyftl wrote

I hope they add the names of the plows local kids picked out last year!


Vermonter623 t1_iwhir9d wrote

Remember all you flatlanders that just had to move here. DON’T CROWD THE PLOW!!!


erokmoney t1_iwist4l wrote

It's AOT not DOT.


suzi-r t1_iwk4yl7 wrote

Here it’s DOT


erokmoney t1_iwlc4qh wrote

Not sure where "here" is but in Vermont it's the Agency of Transportation. It even says it in the posted link.


suzi-r t1_iwlqa6x wrote

Hi Erok & POW— You’re right! I’m in the Upper Valley—shared w NH, so half the trucks I see are VTrans and the others are NH DoT.


Vermonter623 t1_iwl1l2f wrote

Vermont isn’t bad at snow removal. You are all just too used to a life of convenience. Vermont has a ton of dirt roads and main roads that require year round maintenance. Couple that with a small tax base and just enough money in the yearly budget for the bare minimum employees. For what we have I believe we are getting exactly what we pay for


[deleted] t1_iwh54h3 wrote



meinblown t1_iwhpd7n wrote

With the price of diesel you will be better off buying a snowblower this winter... if you can still find one for sale.


ThisistheInfiniteIs t1_iwj1dur wrote

I would try and flag down someone plowing a driveway near where you live and ask for a quote. If they already have a contract near you, they are more likely to do it.


suzi-r t1_iwk4vns wrote

Put out a request on your local listserv.


jessamyn t1_iwnvuev wrote

Yep, sign up for your local front porch forum and ask (or check their directory)


deadowl t1_iwhdupg wrote

This is also in the sidebar under the section labelled "Resources"


yhtomitn64 t1_iwi7w3q wrote

I will have to show my wife this she is convinced not enough snow plows, they miss spots, CT has better plowing, etc.

Not sure it will help but is interesting!


pro_conser333 t1_iwklvga wrote

Your wife is right. My family has been here for 6 years and Vermont is the worst at plowing roads. Montpelier the capitol city has left roads unplowed for days after a storm. I was involved in a car accident because of unplowed roads a few years ago because another driver couldn’t stop his car at the red light of a major intersection. MA, NY, CT and NH all do a better job than here. And good luck to those residents that live in rural Vermont because state plows like to pretend those roads don’t exist in a snowstorm.


yhtomitn64 t1_iwkys46 wrote

Well good to know! I actually was driving on the highway in VT once and the plow had put a diagonal 2 foot wall of snow from entrance ramp across the highway. When I hit it my truck spun around. I was able to keep going luckily! Now drive a Prius which sees snow and automatically goes back into my driveway.


pro_conser333 t1_iwkz8wj wrote

That must have been a scary experience! I’ve seen a few plows on the highway over the past few years do some dangerous things. I’m not sure why Vermont is so bad at snow removal. Be safe out there.


bjp120111 t1_iws7wa4 wrote

The AOT and most every other municipality are currently hiring drivers at all levels. If you would like change, be that change. Thank you for your support.


pro_conser333 t1_iwtz7ie wrote

No thank you. I have a job that I love and would definitely not like being up all hours of the day and night during a storm. Maybe the plow drivers that are working could do their job rather than sitting in parking lots. Last winter my husband and I slid down a icy snowy hill along with several other cars and saw several plows just sitting there with drivers drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes. Waiting for the storm to stop is not typically the way to handle snow removal.

EDIT: My husband was a plow driver for Massachusetts and was paid very well. He wouldn’t even think of climbing into a plow truck for the state of Vermont for the money they pay. Pay low wages, get shitty drivers. Pay prevailing wages, get great drivers.