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Vermonter623 t1_iwrxiax wrote

It’s funny because of the dementia.


random_vermonter t1_iws96s2 wrote

Trump has dementia but you didn't hear that from me....


Vermonter623 t1_iwsc0fe wrote

At least gas was cheap and it cost $200 a month less to heat my house


random_vermonter t1_iwsca11 wrote

Typical boomer response. I’d tell you about supply and demand but you’re stuck in the mindset that an American president personally controls this stuff instead of the markets. 🙄


Vermonter623 t1_iwsd6i0 wrote

Yet didn’t Brandon mumble something about fining gas companies. But hey at least upper middle class white people were give a mulligan on student debt or wait. No never mind


captainogbleedmore t1_iws61t2 wrote



Vermonter623 t1_iwsbw9y wrote

At its root ableism assumes that the person in question requires fixing. There is no fixing dark mat Brandon.


sluttymcfuckstick t1_iwscl74 wrote

how do you know they are neurotypical? for al you know they could be coping with dark humor. do better
