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firearrow5235 t1_iwvoie0 wrote

These Republicans tell me who to love, who to hate, who to fuck, who to not, whether or not I can make the choice with my partners to get an abortion, whether or not I can use a condom, which books I can read, which shows I can watch, which God I should worship, whether or not I'm a pussy for getting a harmless vaccine, that education is worthless, that we're incapable of fixing the world so we might as well do nothing, and that money is only good for one thing and that's making sure other people don't have any. I have no respect for them, because they hold no respect for me, who I am, or what I want.

Given the choice, I'd have voted almost anyone else in over Biden, but he's in there, and as far as I'm concerned he at the bare minimum does the job. Through all of the struggles we've had in past two years, I'm glad it's him handling it over any Rebublican. Were it Trump we'd actually be at war right now. That I believe.

Alright, so he's another creepy old fuck. I still don't buy it. It seems to be a lot of hear-say and opinion as opposed to concrete fact. But fine. He's still head and shoulders above any Republican.

I never said you were one of "my guys". In fact I'm pretty sure I made it clear you're not.

Riddle me this. What I want for our society is for everyone to be well off, and to not have to struggle just to maintain poverty status. For everyone to be able to be who they want to be assuming they're not physically hurting anyone else. For everyone to be educated and healthy. I want this country to lead the world properly, not be a joke. How will anything in the Republican platform help me achieve these dreams I have for society?