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Local_Needleworker28 t1_iwyxhb8 wrote

i managed medical practices for years.. email your manager & copy anyone that is their superior in cc or bcc if that makes you more comfortable. recap the phone conversation and then express how upset you are about the change in your hours due to an uncontrollable situation. Express that you put yourself into a situation that makes you susceptible to getting covid by working there and how unfair you feel it is that this is how you are repaid for that personal sacrifice. Definitely point out the “if u take a shift stick to it”, is putting vulnerable patients at risk and you don’t think that’s responsible if an employee has symptoms or possibly was exposed to covid! (be professional, not angry). end it with an alternative plan that works for all parties. Whether that’s a change in sick time due to covid, better practices that protect employees from being susceptible, etc. (an example doing a week of Mupirocin nose swabs upon entering/leaving the facility to protect all employees from infection). If they go through with this change, you atleast have documentation for the state, if u need to fight them on UE benefits. Without knowing their handbook policies, its hard to say whether or not its legal- BUT the state will protect employees who actively try to stop being pushed out or wrongly dismissed. All this being said, if i were you i would be looking for a new job, because it sounds like they are trying to push you to quit so they don’t have to pay unemployment which is illegal! Document EVERYTHING, including past conversations, with as much detail as possible- including dates. If nothing else it gives you protection for getting unemployment if needed. Good luck, sorry to hear you have a bad manager.


Snoo_1143 t1_iwz58dn wrote

Most of what you have said here is great advice. Just wanted to point out that swabbing with mupirocin has not been shown to prevent covid infection, but it can cause false negatives on covid tests.