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molyholycannoli t1_iyhen1n wrote

Look into Bennington County! Lots of cool stuff and economic growth happening.


FormerAttitude7377 t1_iyhuhbb wrote

Thank you for the suggestion! I have looked at a few homes there, it looks promising :)


molyholycannoli t1_iyi6e9r wrote

You're welcome! I grew up here, moved away, then to Burlington, Vermont area and then back here to Bennington County. Lots of great stuff all over the place but there's something really special about what's going on here in the County and also being so close to Saratoga Springs, New York and New York City and Boston. Check out the Stay To Stay program in Vermont which might help you decide. And hope you find yourself feeling welcome no matter if you come to live or visit.


Corey307 t1_iyjj0ht wrote

VT has the oldest housing stock in the country so assume any home will need work.