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Spear-of-Stars t1_izno5v1 wrote

My cousin is in one where a grandma chases her around the house on Xmas, trying to murder her. She didn't put that one on her IMBD for some reason lol.

One of my old friends was in a number of those gridnhouse flicks before she got on Two and a Half Men and other reputable projects. She doesn't admit it either.


VinnieVonVictrix t1_iznqr57 wrote

That's awesome. I'm an unashamed fan of holiday horror flicks. They're always fun, usually quite terrible and very entertaining to watch with a couple friends in a MST3K way.


Spear-of-Stars t1_izo3pnn wrote

It's always a milestone when you can enjoy a slasher or monster of the week film with the next generation in the family to turn 12.