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HappilyhiketheHump t1_j227gmk wrote

Reply to comment by Hagardy in UVM too expensive by Constant_Education_4

Yeah. Cause more state aid = cheaper tuition.
Keep drinking the Kool aid.


Hagardy t1_j22az5m wrote

state funding is less than 5% of the budget compared to nearly 25% for states like Florida. There’s a clear and obvious reason tuition is high, but sure, pretend like there’s some magical way to get blood from a stone.


HappilyhiketheHump t1_j22bjbd wrote

If you believe increased state funding is gonna reduce the price of college in VT you’re delusional.


Eagle_Arm t1_j22iler wrote

Increase state funding by 20% and UVM tution will magically increase order to line pockets... keep up with inflation... to offer the absolute best education possible for their students!


qordita t1_j23sl5r wrote

Generally speaking, yes. States where funding has kept up over the years have lower tuitions. Probably too late now though, even if funding were increased it likely wouldn't affect in-state tuition very much now; tough to bring prices down after they've gone up.


thqks t1_j26g3mh wrote

This happened at the federal/national level with student loans, but since VT competes with other states, maybe not.