Submitted by AddressNew4656 t3_zxzjv1 in vermont

I own a "large-capacity" rifle magazine of 10+ rounds in Vermont from pre-2018, and my question is, am I still allowed to use it? I understand that it's grandfathered in, but will I get in trouble if I'm caught using it, and how would I even prove that it's grandfathered and not illegal? I heard that some states require you to use only 10 rounds even in grandfathered magazines, is this true?




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TheBugHouse t1_j24tr6o wrote

30 rounders are standard capacity, not high capacity.


cdrknives t1_j24ey6c wrote

They are grandfathered. In VT capacity only comes into play when your hunting, then you are limited to five rounds.


murrly t1_j25atkj wrote

I've been to tons of shooting ranges around the state and no one has ever questioned it.

Its on the prosecution to prove you bought it illegally, which is near impossible. It was a feel good law that can barely be enforced.


5teerPike t1_j2487za wrote

Forgetting all political bullshit just ask yourself this

-do I want it -do I need it -does this make me happy


flambeaway t1_j23gsf2 wrote

You can use it but can't sell it or give it away in state.

>how would I even prove that it's grandfathered and not illegal?

The burden of proof is on the prosecutor in the extremely unlikely event that any attempt is made to charge you.

That said, some magazines have date stamps that can prove age. It would be pretty much impossible to prove that you owned the magazine (in Vermont) prior to the law coming into effect.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_j23erxp wrote

Good response here.

You could also ask r/legal even though it is state specific.


TheBugHouse t1_j23kb7r wrote

All mine have manufactured dates in them, and I kept the sales receipts for the ones I bought just before the horseshit law was passed.


dropkickninja t1_j24q7go wrote

If you need more than ten six rounds to kill a deer then you suck at hunting and should not be firing a gun on open ground


TheBugHouse t1_j24tl7q wrote

What in the fuck are you talking about? No one mentioned a word about hunting...


dropkickninja t1_j2agmmj wrote

It's why we have a limit


TheBugHouse t1_j2agyr6 wrote

Nonsense, the 5 round mag limit for hunting has been in effect forever. The bullshit, feelgood, do-nothing, gun grabber mag ban has only been law since 2018.


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j24r2vc wrote

No offense, but you might consult a more definitive source of information, given the potential consequences of being wrong. Is there a regulating agency you can call?


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j26d8uu wrote

I posted the actual law and fact sheet but it got downvoted if you want to hear it straight from the source.


Eagle_Arm t1_j26xdv4 wrote

Posting the law isn't why you got downvoted. It was your added flair.


shace616 t1_j23crnz wrote

You would be better off just using the lower capacity ones whenever you're in a situation where someone might be questioning you about it.


tallpaulman t1_j24bwp5 wrote

Isn't the max # of bullets allowed for deer hunting only 5 anyway?


Original_Krom t1_j24dgg6 wrote

Self-defense, competition and sporting purposes require standard capacity magazines exceeding 5rnds for game harvesting.


cdrknives t1_j24ffyi wrote

The only thing I've heard is max 5 rounds for hunting. I haven't heard anything about using a std "large" capacity magazine for defense and competition.


Original_Krom t1_j24xfbw wrote

Standard cap mags were banned by the spineless RINO known as "phil". You can keep and use what you have, can't buy new or bring in to the state.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_j23rrg0 wrote

Call the state police and ask their recommendation.


Original_Krom t1_j24datx wrote

That is the LAST place you want to call and ask. 90% of them will not have a clue what you are talking about.


pooticlesparkle t1_j23meji wrote

The article and you offer no alternative to the racist word. Do you have a suggested substitute?


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j26ct3l wrote

I personally use historically exempt. I didnt realize it myself until it was pointed out to me. I figure it is no bother to not use it anymore, kinda like preferred pronouns. It causes me zero harm or inconvenience to no longer use it so I switched. Given the downvotes seems Reddit really wants to keep using this one though. Again, no skin off my teeth, I’ll keep using historically exempt and pointing out the origin of the phrase.


Eagle_Arm t1_j26bwvy wrote

Well, that phrase has been grandfathered into my normal speech, so I think I'll keep using it.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j26d12m wrote

That’s fine. Just pointing out the phrase has a racist origin. You do you though.


Eagle_Arm t1_j26ef5b wrote

Should people blacklist that phrase then?


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j26f98a wrote

I don’t really care what anyone else does. I was pointing out that it is a racist phrase. You can do what you want with that information. I was simply providing facts for people to use in their decision making process.

If you noticed my post was exactly two facts with citations. Nothing else.


Eagle_Arm t1_j26x7pn wrote

And stating it like that in the original comment is acting like a douche. Hitting someone with the, "oh by the way, that term you're using is racist."

Gives off some major condescending vibes.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j289sn3 wrote

I never said “oh, by the way”. I posted exactly two facts with citations. No opinion added, no take added, two facts with citations. Maybe you are reading into it and projecting but it doesn’t change the fact, you can keep using the clips and the phrase grandfathered in has racist origins.

What would your preferred approach to letting someone know the language they are using has a racist origin be. Nobody ever said the dude was racist, nobody implied he was being a dick. You jumped to a conclusion based on your own bullshit and now you are here on record with a long string defending people being able to use racist language because it hurt your feeling to be told about it. Not really a great look.


Eagle_Arm t1_j28sew5 wrote

And there is a way you can do that that to correct behavior, you didn't do that.

That's also why you were pelted with downvotes, because it comes off like being a self-righteous douche. It doesn't come off as just stating two facts with citations. I'll assume you don't know what tact is.

I didn't jump to any conclusions, you can say you were just stating facts, but the overall comment was condescending. You are upset and here on the record being ignorant of how to try and effectively correct people because it hurt your feelings when you were told it was in poor form. Not really a great look. Do better.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j291l5q wrote

Ok. Your racist. Got it. Also, being upset because of reddit is not really a thing is it.

You seem upset that pointing out a racist phrase was not done nice enough?

For real, you are such a delicate person you want someone to hold your hand and hug you as they tell you using the N word is not ok?

If you want to post a list of the raciist words you use I'll tell you youre handsome and funny in between providing citations to why they are racist if it will help.


Eagle_Arm t1_j29apfd wrote

>Ok. Your racist. Got it.

That's seems like a jump. Weren't you just talking about jumping to conclusions?

Also, being upset because of reddit is not really a thing is it. > >You seem upset that pointing out a racist phrase was not done nice enough?

So which is it? People do or don't get upset on reddit?

>For real, you are such a delicate person you want someone to hold your hand and hug you as they tell you using the N word is not ok?

Hmm, there's another jump. When did anyone say anything about the N word? Talking about grandfathered in, or do you prefer we say the G word?

>If you want to post a list of the raciist words you use I'll tell you youre handsome and funny in between providing citations to why they are racist if it will help.

Don't think there's a list I use.

So, to sum it all back up, your first comment comes off as self-righteous. That's why it was downvoted the way it was. It has nothing to do with it being a fact. If you can't recognize that, I'm guessing it's due to ego.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j29av7p wrote

Ok, whatever you say chief.


Eagle_Arm t1_j2a6vpa wrote

You shouldn't the word 'chief' in your edited comment.

The word chief is offensive.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j2aexd9 wrote

Wow, way to come off as a self righteous douche.

*I also read your link, and the word is offensive to call a Native American it is not offensive as a word. The comparison is not apt. Please find a better comparison if you want to continue. Now to see if you will pull a Reddit “as a strong black woman”.


Eagle_Arm t1_j2akket wrote

>Wow, way to come off as a self righteous douche.

And you now see how your original comment was.

>*I also read your link, and the word is offensive to call a Native American it is not offensive as a word.

Read the last sentence again in the link. Is this one better?

>Now to see if you will pull a Reddit “as a strong black woman”.

As a normal white guy, that sounds kinda racist.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j2alngh wrote

That whole thing went way over your head didn’t it. Nevermind.


Eagle_Arm t1_j2apve5 wrote

Oh no, it was fairly obvious. I just agreed to it rather than point it out.

The thing about agreeing with it is, it's right. Saying it like that is a douche thing to say. You pointing it out also just furthers the point that you're self-righteous ego is so big, you can't reflect and go, "huh, maybe I did say that like a self-righteous douche?"

What about that second source? You prefer that one? Gonna remove chief from your vocabulary or is that grandfathered in?


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j2audvm wrote


You still didn’t get it.

Give it some thought, read it again, maybe you will see it.


Eagle_Arm t1_j2av876 wrote

There is no wooosh, is the wooosh that you think there was?

I guess you're still gonna use the word chief as well because you haven't said you wouldn't and didn't comment on the second link.

So you use racist terms when you prefer it and when someone states a fact and sends multiple citations, you ignore it? Interesting character you have.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j2awccs wrote

The fact you don’t see it honestly surprises me. You seem intelligent. Must be your ego getting in the way. Give it another go. Its so obvious.

I’ll wait.


Eagle_Arm t1_j2ax57u wrote


So thoughts on the second link?

How about your use of chief? Are you actually a racist?


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j2axsxe wrote

You are so so close, this could almost be on self aware wolves.


Eagle_Arm t1_j2azqp9 wrote

Nah, wouldn't end up there. Seems like you've got the wooosh going on with your own responses.

How can you not denounce the use of the word chief, but denounce grandfathered in?

Why the avoiding of previous questions?


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j2b06o5 wrote

Again... so so close. Once and if you manage to figure it out I’ll respond again, until then, have a great night.


Eagle_Arm t1_j2b272c wrote

Full commitment to your bit, even when it's not good, that's almost admirable.

A little telling you won't say your stance on using the word chief. Do better.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j2b2xpb wrote

I’ll give you a hint... why would someone who knows the racist origins of the phrase grandfathered in use such an obviously loaded word like chief? Especially in response to someone who openly claims they don’t care the phrase they are using is racist, they plan to keep using it.

I’m really surprised to be honest. You struck me as much more observant.


Eagle_Arm t1_j2b4xy4 wrote

Nah, you can attempt to backtrack, but you used a word, asked for evidence it was racist, then said it wasn't when given a source and wanted another source.

Given an additional source and still nada.

Guess you're that special type of self-righteous that loves attempting to correct other people, but when corrected, can't handle it.

A good attempt to try and come off as some sort of intellectual, why? Idk, but yeah, not buying that lazy attempt.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j2b5i0l wrote


Almost like you didn’t read your first source and just posted the first hit from google on if chief is racist.

Have a great night.


Eagle_Arm t1_j2b88dz wrote

Almost like you didn't read the first source or the second source.

I guess you're ok with using some terms, but not others. Glad you're not a hypocrite....oh wait


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j2b8xe6 wrote




Eagle_Arm t1_j2bbcv7 wrote

Guess I'll wait on your source saying it's not.

Throw another woosh out for good measure. Attempting to troll after having shit logic called out, another ok attempt at your bit.