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Eagle_Arm t1_j2a6vpa wrote

You shouldn't the word 'chief' in your edited comment.

The word chief is offensive.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j2aexd9 wrote

Wow, way to come off as a self righteous douche.

*I also read your link, and the word is offensive to call a Native American it is not offensive as a word. The comparison is not apt. Please find a better comparison if you want to continue. Now to see if you will pull a Reddit “as a strong black woman”.


Eagle_Arm t1_j2akket wrote

>Wow, way to come off as a self righteous douche.

And you now see how your original comment was.

>*I also read your link, and the word is offensive to call a Native American it is not offensive as a word.

Read the last sentence again in the link. Is this one better?

>Now to see if you will pull a Reddit “as a strong black woman”.

As a normal white guy, that sounds kinda racist.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j2alngh wrote

That whole thing went way over your head didn’t it. Nevermind.


Eagle_Arm t1_j2apve5 wrote

Oh no, it was fairly obvious. I just agreed to it rather than point it out.

The thing about agreeing with it is, it's right. Saying it like that is a douche thing to say. You pointing it out also just furthers the point that you're self-righteous ego is so big, you can't reflect and go, "huh, maybe I did say that like a self-righteous douche?"

What about that second source? You prefer that one? Gonna remove chief from your vocabulary or is that grandfathered in?


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j2audvm wrote


You still didn’t get it.

Give it some thought, read it again, maybe you will see it.


Eagle_Arm t1_j2av876 wrote

There is no wooosh, is the wooosh that you think there was?

I guess you're still gonna use the word chief as well because you haven't said you wouldn't and didn't comment on the second link.

So you use racist terms when you prefer it and when someone states a fact and sends multiple citations, you ignore it? Interesting character you have.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j2awccs wrote

The fact you don’t see it honestly surprises me. You seem intelligent. Must be your ego getting in the way. Give it another go. Its so obvious.

I’ll wait.


Eagle_Arm t1_j2ax57u wrote


So thoughts on the second link?

How about your use of chief? Are you actually a racist?


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j2axsxe wrote

You are so so close, this could almost be on self aware wolves.


Eagle_Arm t1_j2azqp9 wrote

Nah, wouldn't end up there. Seems like you've got the wooosh going on with your own responses.

How can you not denounce the use of the word chief, but denounce grandfathered in?

Why the avoiding of previous questions?


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j2b06o5 wrote

Again... so so close. Once and if you manage to figure it out I’ll respond again, until then, have a great night.


Eagle_Arm t1_j2b272c wrote

Full commitment to your bit, even when it's not good, that's almost admirable.

A little telling you won't say your stance on using the word chief. Do better.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j2b2xpb wrote

I’ll give you a hint... why would someone who knows the racist origins of the phrase grandfathered in use such an obviously loaded word like chief? Especially in response to someone who openly claims they don’t care the phrase they are using is racist, they plan to keep using it.

I’m really surprised to be honest. You struck me as much more observant.


Eagle_Arm t1_j2b4xy4 wrote

Nah, you can attempt to backtrack, but you used a word, asked for evidence it was racist, then said it wasn't when given a source and wanted another source.

Given an additional source and still nada.

Guess you're that special type of self-righteous that loves attempting to correct other people, but when corrected, can't handle it.

A good attempt to try and come off as some sort of intellectual, why? Idk, but yeah, not buying that lazy attempt.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j2b5i0l wrote


Almost like you didn’t read your first source and just posted the first hit from google on if chief is racist.

Have a great night.


Eagle_Arm t1_j2b88dz wrote

Almost like you didn't read the first source or the second source.

I guess you're ok with using some terms, but not others. Glad you're not a hypocrite....oh wait


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j2b8xe6 wrote




Eagle_Arm t1_j2bbcv7 wrote

Guess I'll wait on your source saying it's not.

Throw another woosh out for good measure. Attempting to troll after having shit logic called out, another ok attempt at your bit.