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contrary-contrarian t1_j20plkp wrote

Sorry people are abusing the fact you open your land up. It is amazing that you do so and I hope a few sour apples don't spoil the bunch.

It could be helpful to see if there is a municipal recreation committee or a local trail organization that could help you communicate your needs to the public.

Many folks are simply ignorant of whose land they are on and how best to use it. With a little Help and communication they could be educated about when and where they can use the land. These organizations might also help you put up signage explaining when and where to recreate if that's something you'd be interested in.

I want to reiterate that opening your land up is a tremendous service to the community. I'm sure there are many people who use it respectfully and certainly don't mean you harm or annoyance.

Hopefully you can come to a reasonable solution! Best of luck


Chess_Not_Checkers t1_j20qyjp wrote

This is a great answer. You could cheaply get a few signs up that state the "rules" for using your land as well; especially the dogs off leash thing would drive me crazy.


d-cent t1_j213kf5 wrote

I'm very ignorant in this regard so I could be totally wrong. I would be nervous that by doing this you would be setting a legal precedent that is now public domain.


contrary-contrarian t1_j2151c3 wrote

In Vermont any land that is not legally posted is already free for the public to traverse across.

Unless there is an easement or other legally binding access agreement, the landowner can choose to close the land via posting at any time.

Opening your land is the default.


raz0rsnak3 t1_j21e1j4 wrote

Yup, 100% correct. Post it or they will come...


d-cent t1_j215y4h wrote

Yeah I didn't mean that. I meant once you create a municipal commitee, are you saying you're land is now public owned?


contrary-contrarian t1_j2180q3 wrote

Absolutely not.

Also I think you are misconstruing my post. Many municipalities have recreation committees that help the town and townspeople interface with trails etc. they can be a helpful resource for communicating about using private land for recreation.


d-cent t1_j2188tk wrote

OK that's good. I wasn't sure I just didn't want IP to lose his family land.


[deleted] t1_j21bbug wrote



contrary-contrarian t1_j21gt35 wrote

Do your own research OP but I can tell you that Vermont does not have a history of caselaw supporting permissive easements.

Vermont has strong property rights and asking a community organization to make you some signs and let folks know they need to behave properly will do absolutely nothing to jeopardize property rights.

Have some faith in your community that it's members (on the whole) want to do the right thing, respect your land, and enjoy the outdoors (in that order).


landodk t1_j22b7zv wrote

Yeah, my dad spent 20+ years coordinating a 10k Nordic ski loop around town. Relations with owners granting access has always been important since… it’s their land.


-Motor- t1_j21j9ye wrote

Permissive use usually comes with liability protection.

OP, just post it and start recording anyone you confront, to keep a record for repeat offenders.


IndefinableMustache t1_j23jwon wrote

> I'm not sure about Vermont,

OP, this is all you need to read about this persons post.


[deleted] t1_j23tcg8 wrote



IndefinableMustache t1_j24dfv5 wrote

Land laws and policies are pretty clear in VT when it comes to posting and using private land. Why are you commenting on a subject in a states specific sub if you have no experience with how things are done in this state? If you had mentioned you’re not familiar with VT at the top of your comment, that would be different. But you didn’t, the first half of your comment comes off like you know what your talking about, when in fact you don’t.