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rawdaddykrawdaddy t1_j21anzb wrote

My dog was killed on my property by dogs whose owner had permission from the previous to walk his dog there. We made it very, very clear his dogs weren't welcome on our property anymore. It was almost 10 years ago, and I'm still upset about it


LukeMayeshothand t1_j21plv2 wrote

Pretty sure I would have gone eye for an eye on that shit.


hamietao t1_j21qxse wrote

Blame the owners, not the dogs


LukeMayeshothand t1_j21r9jy wrote

Sorry if your dogs are roaming around killing other dogs they need to die. Not even hate towards the dogs but they are dangerous and need to be put down. That’s the logical side. On the emotional side my dog is very much my family and I wouldn’t have let that stand. The state/town can do what’s right or I will.