
rawdaddykrawdaddy t1_j21anzb wrote

My dog was killed on my property by dogs whose owner had permission from the previous to walk his dog there. We made it very, very clear his dogs weren't welcome on our property anymore. It was almost 10 years ago, and I'm still upset about it


rawdaddykrawdaddy t1_j0i1afm wrote

This is a really sad article mentioning a neglect case in Randolph. Long story short (TW): >!A man intentionally starved two dogs. When one died, the other started to eat her carcass!<

And here is a petition to help bring more awareness and change of laws to Vermont. There is a template to contact Phil Scott at the bottom.

Shout out to state representative, Jay Hooper, for proposing a bill to make it mandatory to report animal abuse.