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Syncope7 t1_j1djvzb wrote

Watch out, u/impressive-height-22 is approaching.


bluepied OP t1_j1dmj0x wrote

Bro is literally trolling so hard he’s commenting on previous posts of mine in other subreddits from weeks ago, then accuses me of also trespassing on the abandoned radar facility because I posted a link to share more info (when I’ve never even been to the place!) -

A true VT Karen has surfaced among us!


axsnyder t1_j1dpmz2 wrote

He just wants some GA.


bluepied OP t1_j1dx195 wrote

Lol what up buddy! Hope you and the family (AND dogs obviously!) have a wonderful holiday!!


Green_Message_6376 t1_j1efuk1 wrote

anyone that posts a snatch reference can trespass wherever the Hell they and their dag wants. Merry Christmas ya bastid/s!


Enough_Camel2650 t1_j1f7txv wrote

You wanna go up to the radar base? Just go, it’s totally fine & is private property but it is still under “in use” so people are able to go up & see it while also giving the landowner a break on taxes. Gate has always been open when I’ve been up, they kept it closed for a number of years due to some nut job in Burke stealing all the roofing metal & the lunatic who torched the place


Careful_Square1742 t1_j1dcdxz wrote

it's super nice seeing these dog photos now that I've blocked the crybaby/troll and don't see his posts anymore.

bring on the doggies!


SmashDreadnot t1_j1e20pl wrote

Wuh ah fuck ah wan wit a caravan ats got no fukin wheels?


ARealVermontar t1_j1d50b9 wrote

Doggo looks like a little kid who realized he's on top of the world!


haruspex t1_j1eetn7 wrote

What a beautiful picture of our lovely state and one of its canine residents!


foxhagen t1_j1dok58 wrote

Heeeere I come, to save the daaaaay!


Khanover7 t1_j1drafm wrote

I love your dog! We should do a frenchie meet up!!


bluepied OP t1_j1dxrmo wrote

Thank you! We used to have a great VT Frenchie group on Facebook, would love to get our meetups going again in the spring!

Look at us Vermont dog owners…making friends with other Vermont dog owners on a subreddit dedicated to Vermonters - it’s almost like that’s what the folks at Reddit intended their users to do❤️🐾


Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_j1epxf9 wrote

Ok all the drama about dogs on this sub aside, this photo is gorgeous! Is it from your phone or from an actual professional camera with editing? Or your phone with editing?


bluepied OP t1_j1g24ut wrote

Thanks! It was shot on a newish GoPro, but no special effects/filters!


Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_j1g2k21 wrote

Wait does this mean there’s video of your pup running around?! I wanna see that!


bluepied OP t1_j1g30d7 wrote

Ha no you can take still images with GoPro’s as well as videos


[deleted] t1_j1d9cl3 wrote



bluepied OP t1_j1diuvd wrote

”Waaaaahhh!!! I hate dogs!! Waahhhh!!” How about gracefully shutting the fuck up with all your hate here?

And actually it has everything to do with Vermont! He’s a Vermont dog, chillin’ in Vermont, in a very Vermonty winter scene. Would it make you less butthurt if I photoshopped in a covered bridge in the background?

Hope you enjoy spending all your negative energy like this? I posted this just for you, so Merry Christmas 😘


[deleted] t1_j1dj7vl wrote



bluepied OP t1_j1djeeg wrote

Waaahhhhhh!!!!! Waaaaahhh!!!!

  • Kevin, from The Office

[deleted] t1_j1djhfl wrote



Khanover7 t1_j1drioh wrote

Imagine a bully trying to say someone else is a bully. Is your name Maximus Hypocritus? Help is coming angry redditor.


Eagle_Arm t1_j1djvvn wrote

Is that the title of your autobiography?