
Enough_Camel2650 t1_j9ji6zd wrote

Leave your car in Franklin & ride the train in for $10-$15 I can’t remember how much it was, I believe $10 one way

Edit: OR just take concord coach into the city & walk around/Uber


Enough_Camel2650 t1_j1f7txv wrote

Reply to comment by bluepied in Oh, dogs. Sure, I like dags. by bluepied

You wanna go up to the radar base? Just go, it’s totally fine & is private property but it is still under “in use” so people are able to go up & see it while also giving the landowner a break on taxes. Gate has always been open when I’ve been up, they kept it closed for a number of years due to some nut job in Burke stealing all the roofing metal & the lunatic who torched the place


Enough_Camel2650 t1_ixfzydz wrote

Yeah I live in Waterford (right across the river from Littleton) I do all my shopping in Littleton, but mostly because they actually have more options than St Johnsbury. Their Co Op is really great