Submitted by ZKJJ t3_ztv8lk in vermont

I've lived in Vermont my whole life and the winter outages have never been this bad WTH is going on



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mrbisthebest t1_j1fifg4 wrote

Climate change


Ok-Valuable-6430 t1_j1fj7wm wrote

Yep! 2nd outage in a week for me


ZKJJ OP t1_j1fjyfk wrote

I've had 3 at work and 2 at home this week it's never been this bad


duncym t1_j1flczz wrote

Climate change storms. Back in the day this would all be snow which we can deal with. Not to mention the insane winds.


JaxBratt t1_j1fmtz2 wrote

But, but Vermont is safe from climate change /s


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j20p0zj wrote

Especially compared to NYC, Jersey, and Massachusetts. Those places might as well be the Maldives.


xenomorphluvah t1_j1fzoar wrote

I think it is actually pretty normal. Our winters haven’t produced gnarly storms and destructive weather for sometime now. I think we just got used to some mildness.


E123334 t1_j1fwcue wrote

I don’t know how old or where you live, but for certain parts of the state this was as bad as it gets since ‘98. So many trees, so many branches, multiple trees laying on the same power line, winds so bad linemen can’t go up in buckets, ice will be treacherous tomorrow, snow weighing down the trees that are still on or close to the lines, it’s bad out there.


landodk t1_j1iuf64 wrote

If I recall we lost power for over a week in 98


miss_antlers t1_j1janx6 wrote

Same. For most of my life I’ve lived in a particularly rural part of VT, where we aren’t a high priority for power line repairs. Having power out for a few days was definitely normal to me growing up, especially during the snowy season.


Outrageous-Outside61 t1_j1gz6i1 wrote

Idk I can remember plenty of brutal storms and long power outages. Remember that ice storm in ‘98 or the Valentine’s Day blizzard in ‘07?

I feel like Vermont has always had pretty erratic weather, and climate change isn’t to fault for it (although I don’t disregard climate change overall)


shace616 t1_j1iclwr wrote

I didn't have power for 3 weeks during the ice storm of 98.


Icy_Intention6584 t1_j1gj45q wrote

I would love a stat on each of these usernames that tells you how long that person has lived in New England. Winter weather sucks. Sometimes it’s extreme. Many years, but especially in the climate crisis era, are wildly unpredictable and erratic. You adapt. The weather is what it is.


Gullible-Bat4812 t1_j1hq6rj wrote

oceans warming = more energy available to the atmosphere which drives more powerful storms.


perleisabella t1_j1jajh9 wrote

We lost power for six days in December in 2014. Hope everyone gets connected again soon!


portersthumb t1_j1fs9tn wrote

Emotional Support Photos for Everyone!


Formal_Coyote_5004 t1_j1g2rnz wrote

Does this mean I can post photos of my dog? I can also just post photos of my houseplants in case anyone is too offended by photos of beautiful dogs


BOOTS31 t1_j1hrx94 wrote

No power for over 24 hours here in Fairfax, all my pipes froze over night, it's been a long night.

Born and raised in Vermont, this is the norm, get used to it.


Moth4Moth t1_j1jpxvj wrote

Dang, that's a bummer man, had it happen before. Godspeed


random_vermonter t1_j1jvzof wrote

All of this bellyaching. Crews are working hard all over to restore power.


whys0brave t1_j1hqy0i wrote

I heard a transformer blew up by Stowe