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SomeConstructionGuy t1_j6nud1m wrote

It’s not my money, I’m the builder.

I think you missed the part where I said r32 is cheaper than foamed 2x6. R32 is cheap now relative to just foaming the walls. And just straight batts don’t meet code so you’re stuck with some combo of foam and batts at minimum.

There is no financial reason to not do this now. There’s reasons builders don’t want to, but it’s not money.


Corey307 t1_j6nwq6y wrote

Thank you, I should’ve known by your name that you knew more than I do haha. Hey I’m not asking for legal advice or anything but if someone wanted to insulate a basement is that something you can do as a homeowner or are Vermont state regulations too strict? Because I was thinking about just laying some R19 between the beams as a balance between cost and energy savings. But if I had to also use foam and then drywall it I’ll probably let the next owner do so. That’s something I missed when I bought the house since I’m originally from a warm climate, I’m disappointed my home inspector didn’t say anything but I heard they passed away so it’s not like I can do anything about it.


SomeConstructionGuy t1_j6nzw0a wrote

Not strict, go for it!

You want to insulate the floor system between 1st floor and bassment? Batts will work, I’d go with mineral wool since it’ll hold its shape better and mice hate it vs fiberglass.


Corey307 t1_j6o32g1 wrote

thank you for your help, I’m not trying to fully insulate the basement just trying to strike a balance between reducing heating costs, having a warmer floor during the coldest days and not spending a lot of money. I’m also thinking it would help avoid a sticking point when I sell since I can get this done for about $600 and insulation and maybe $30 for a painters suit, goggles and mask.


SomeConstructionGuy t1_j6ouufj wrote

Depending where your mechanical equipment, what it is and how it’s insulated you may or may not gain much insulting the floor system. Depending what type of foundation you have (concrete, block, stone) it’s pretty darn easy to install 2” foam on exterior walls. Foam board on the foundation walls will certainly help all aspects.