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8valvegrowl t1_j6nzfc1 wrote

For sure...I seem to recall my house fell in the 0.5-0.75 ACH50 range, which is pretty tight. Interesting to know that foam prices have risen so much. We paid as much for the SIPS as we did for the timber frame (About $30K for frame and $30K for SIPS in 2019 prices)

Is the double stud scheme staggered? It's pretty fascinating how much the state of the art changes in building tech...seems like so much is pretty much built using legacy techniques still.


SomeConstructionGuy t1_j6o1e1o wrote

That’s still a very tight house, nice work!

It depends on the builder/architect/engineer. I like to treat the interior wall as non load bearing and stagger it from the exterior. More thermal break makes me feel good and then we can make the stud layout an even 16” from one corner on the inside so drywall and trim are easy. Realistically if the wall is 10” thick you still get an r12 break wirh aligned framing and the total r value is only knocked down by 5% or less.


8valvegrowl t1_j6o2406 wrote

Yeah, makes sense. Good stuff. I know in the future if we have an addition made for a first floor bedroom, we may consider stick built on a slab, so great to hear about options for construction! Thanks for all the info.