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The_Barbelo OP t1_j3ox69k wrote

He embraced the way of life here but he's still got some city boy in him. You can see it in his eyes. Those look like designer frame glasses.


TheShandyMan t1_j3p1h4n wrote

Designer frames, Carhart coveralls he dry-cleans. If he's a Vermonter, he's never strayed outside of Chittenden county unless it was to hit up one of the farmers markets.


Doodlesworth t1_j3oxjgk wrote

I was gonna say organic cumquats and hubris


The_Barbelo OP t1_j3psf02 wrote

Kumquats are so expensive here. Really any citrus. I have a guy who sends me citrus from Florida. (My mom. The guy is my mom.) A transplant from New Jersey definitely has the money for kumquats


thoughtfillednorth t1_j3tk09c wrote

Cumquats don't get to the level of hubris, you need the ultra fancy pomelo to get to hubris level . If you're getting citrus, let's make it expensive.