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Doodlesworth t1_j3owvul wrote

Looks like the guy who moved from NJ to VT for the ___________


walkstap t1_j3oz2cy wrote

the brewing scene. Definitely the brewing scene.


The_Barbelo OP t1_j3psorh wrote

Im working on a series of these and I have the surely bearded man proudly holding a jar of microbrew. based on Avery, the co founder of Hermit Thrush. It's terrifying how accurate it is.


homefone t1_j3po69m wrote

Can't blame him for that really


whaletacochamp t1_j3qq8to wrote

Stupid reason to move your entire life but sure. Especially when we probably paid him to love here and continue working remotely for an out of state company


Loudergood t1_j3zdx2d wrote

A job like that's going to pay $5k in income taxes in a few months.


The_Barbelo OP t1_j3ox69k wrote

He embraced the way of life here but he's still got some city boy in him. You can see it in his eyes. Those look like designer frame glasses.


TheShandyMan t1_j3p1h4n wrote

Designer frames, Carhart coveralls he dry-cleans. If he's a Vermonter, he's never strayed outside of Chittenden county unless it was to hit up one of the farmers markets.


Doodlesworth t1_j3oxjgk wrote

I was gonna say organic cumquats and hubris


The_Barbelo OP t1_j3psf02 wrote

Kumquats are so expensive here. Really any citrus. I have a guy who sends me citrus from Florida. (My mom. The guy is my mom.) A transplant from New Jersey definitely has the money for kumquats


thoughtfillednorth t1_j3tk09c wrote

Cumquats don't get to the level of hubris, you need the ultra fancy pomelo to get to hubris level . If you're getting citrus, let's make it expensive.


TimberOctopus t1_j3qeml9 wrote

Dude the first person this reminded me of is a dude I used tow work with who looks like a 5th generation VT farmer complete with flannel, tweed, livestock, and a sugaring/biochar/tree farm & who bleeds actual dirt.

Turns out he's actually from Connecticut. Been here less than 5 years and bought the farm w family money.


whaletacochamp t1_j3qqfjd wrote

…..and bought the farm with family money.

Just hope he doesn’t keep it alive with family money too while claiming every other farmer just isn’t doin it right


Ej1992 t1_j3rn6jh wrote

Why you gotta out me like this. 😂


mellercopter t1_j3p2cxn wrote

This is VT Tinder during ski season. Just 400 different dudes that all look like this.


yoyoguy2 t1_j3p0km3 wrote

i don't get why AIs can't do fingers.


are_slash_wash t1_j3pybug wrote

Programmer with a surface level knowledge of machine learning here, so I might not get this right.

On a super basic level, all Machine Learning models are trained to either recognize a thing or reproduce a thing using countless real-world examples of the thing you want it to do. In the case of something like DALL-E, you feed it a billion pictures of peoples' faces and it eventually connects the dots and figures out that "smiling face" = two dots with a triangle in between them, an upward facing curve, a couple of loops, some dark lines above the dots, etc. "Frowning face" is similar except the curve faces downward, etc.

Critically, the model doesn't actually "get" what it's looking at: it doesn't understand the significance of eyes or facial muscles or bone structure. It's simply taking an enormous data set and grouping traits that it sees in photographs with keywords that are associated with the training data. Then it mashes everything together into an image without any kind of greater thoughts about meaning.

So that's all well and good, but what does it have to do with hands? Well, most things in this photo are what I'd call a determinate shape.

In this case, OP might have used a query like "Hipster, man with stubble, dinosaur chicken farmer, David Foster Wallace lookalike, fall attire, Carhartts and flannel" et cetera. You give an AI a billion pictures of a chicken and they eventually all start to look the same, so you get an "average" (but completely unique) chicken picture. Same with a guy in flannel -- give an AI enough Macy's catalogs and it'll get the gist and give you guy with broad shoulders wearing a shirt that has a plaid pattern.

Hands, on the other hand, are indeterminate (sorta). If you look at a million different pictures of people they'll all be doing something different with their hands. Remember that the AI doesn't really know what it's trying to make: it doesn't know what bones or tendons are, and it doesn't understand their biological function or purpose. Nor does it care: it's taking a "monkey see, monkey do" approach to mimic a real photograph.

So when you tell it to draw someone with hands, it's drawing from billions of photographs of people and trying to distill the concepts that it remembers into a new picture. Some of those people will be waving, some will be holding a flowerpot, some will be playing the piano, some will be shaking their fists in the air, some will be miming finger guns or flipping off a former president. Some will even be shaking hands with another person or holding both hands together in prayer or something. But to the AI, it's all just noise without context. When it spits out a new image, it's doing so under the assumption that "picture is of person, person has hands, hands have seemingly random arrangement of long and short interlocking digits" and it gives you what it sees as an average hand. "average" in this case being a palm attached to two stumpy opposable toes.

Anyway that comment went a little long but I hope that it was informative. Hello from Oregon, love your state <3


pointedflowers t1_j3t39nq wrote

I think the other piece of it is that we are so connected to how hands should look and move. So when they look off it’s immediately apparent. If you look closely at any part of this picture it’s definitely off. No plaid looks like that )but it should it looks great, that’s not what real knitting looks like, the buckles aren’t quite right, the strap kinda wraps behind the neck more than is natural, the hair, eyes chicken face are all a bit off. But hands being a little off appear super off and the uncanny valley of them is steep and wide, so not only is it worse at them but there’s an anthrocentric (if that’s a word) issue with them too. If some other creature looked at ai of itself it might notice something off being more disturbing that would pass unnoticed to us.


Sparskey t1_j3pkhzt wrote

The AI has to decide what is more likely at the end of every digit. Is it bent so there is only knuckle shown or maybe it's fingernail. Because of how many things humans do with their hands context is so much more complicated at digit level. I mean you still see plenty misformed arms and legs to a lesser degree but similar reason.


BrendanTFirefly t1_j3ozz8t wrote

That is a flatlander. Dude came up here with his parents money and bought 30 acres


Doodlesworth t1_j3p29iq wrote

30 acres and some demon poultry


The_Barbelo OP t1_j3pszui wrote

I won't lie. I want the demon phoenix poultry. Any chicken breeders here please, contact me. I will fund this project.


likesflatsoda t1_j3r7pdp wrote


The_Barbelo OP t1_j3rc5db wrote

Oh those guys are so cool!! I used to have a couple of bantam silkies and I loved them, but their eggs are tiny. They loved to sit on our laps though. They were so friendly. Thank you for this. I wonder if I can even find someone who breeds these around here. I guess that's always the option of ordering fertile eggs online.


likesflatsoda t1_j3rdihe wrote

They aren’t particularly winter hardy so you may not find them as easily from local sources, but lots of hatcheries got your back. ;)


The_Barbelo OP t1_j3sqdoa wrote

Ah, one would have to build a big coop with heating lamps, or have a nice indoor area. Maybe. I know way more about duck rearing than chickens. They Malays sort of remind me of runner ducks.

You're awesome though, thank you!!!


likesflatsoda t1_j3rdnfy wrote

Oh and then you totally want to look up Dong Tao chickens next …


ct_hickory_golf t1_j3oz9fb wrote

That looks like Nick Kroll cosplaying a Vermonter


foggy-sunrise t1_j3pb44a wrote

Layered hats.

This AI may have began a meme.

Also I have those glasses. Fuck.


Soci3talCollaps3 t1_j3pgaey wrote

Currently wearing those glasses. Also have chicken.

Thankfully, I don't match the rest of him. Although I'd like that shirt.


ellusiveuser t1_j3pomsk wrote

That shirt is lit. Overalls have to be in tatters to be on a Vermonter.


The_Barbelo OP t1_j3ptm5t wrote

Carhart never tatters!!


ellusiveuser t1_j3pxxgv wrote

Maybe not Carhart, but my Carhartt overalls right now resemble swiss cheese.


The_Barbelo OP t1_j3rban9 wrote

Haha, I was joking around. Everyone always sings their praises.the only Carhartt thing I own is a jacket for my dog. ive saved up for a few good LL Bean pants for all my outdoor activities. Would you say Carhartt lasts longer or is it about the same?


ellusiveuser t1_j3rbuv2 wrote

It really depends. Some last forever, some blow up in a year or two.


Loudergood t1_j3zdpsf wrote

My wife thought she got me a replacement for my 20 year old Carhartt flannel shirt. Turns out I'm just adding one to the rotation.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j3qhbde wrote

Lol, I go through a jacket in about 3 to 5 years. By the end the thing is in literal tatters and the sleeves are ripped up. Hold up better than any other one Ive used as an outside work jacket though.


dadnauseum t1_j3pkl5f wrote

surprised nobody else has mentioned the hats. ngl, i’m kinda into it lol


Hanginon t1_j3p6k0i wrote

Vermont immigrant that's trying way too hard, and missed a decade or so.

¯\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)_/¯


arvinxi t1_j3ozq4g wrote

Looks like someone who moved to Vermont from Massachusetts


Cease_Cows_ t1_j3oz20r wrote

Yeah but that chicken/eagle hybrid is fucking terrifying holy shit


margyl t1_j3qp2wq wrote

Why does this chicken have the beak of a hawk?


[deleted] t1_j3oz0es wrote

Presenting the Ultimate Flatlander


tgeekb t1_j3oy1xj wrote



thoughtfillednorth t1_j3p3qgo wrote

Your chicken is too fancy for Vermont. That is a Masshole chicken. It's angry from paying the taxes near Boston.

Other than that, the other Vermont-aligned items and person seems dead-on.


TLaP802 t1_j3p5csb wrote

Why tf does he have 2 beanies on


The_Barbelo OP t1_j3pt9k5 wrote

One for warmth, and the other for style. Jokes on him, our winter is pathetic this year. Those are designer too. What a shame.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j3qffbj wrote

He looks like what other people think Vermonters look like I guess. I dont see many Vermonters who look like him personally, see lots of people who want to look like Vermonters who look like him but they always seem to be from somewhere else and just up to visit.


Viper5639 t1_j3qujba wrote

This dude was not born and raised in Vermont lol


jenredditor t1_j3p9l2r wrote

Too tan. Must be a Florida transplant.


The_Barbelo OP t1_j3puc0k wrote

In all honesty I went fishing all summer and got extremely tan. It is possible. He does look like someone from Gainesville though...


mainething t1_j3pfllk wrote

The plaid looks right...not much else.. Beads and bird are sooo NY which is really VT I guess.. very Ben n Jerryish !

That's what is great about Maine...people go home !


Soci3talCollaps3 t1_j3pfzbk wrote

Oh yeah. I went to Maine once. Then I went home.


The_Barbelo OP t1_j3ptvho wrote

I seriously had this exact experience. A past partner took me on a camping trip for my birthday. We heard all this great stuff about Acadia and drove for two days to get there. We stopped to camp in the White mountains and then drive the rest of the way. We get there and it's just one giant tourist trap filled with KOAS. $60 for one night. We got angry, turned right back around, and spent the rest of the time in the White Mountains.


mainething t1_j3ticfy wrote

I love the White Mountains too, But the clamming and seafood there ain't much. It's hard to compare destinations of 6000' difference in altitude. We don't go to Acadia from April to November, either.


The_Barbelo OP t1_j3z5mgc wrote

Ah, we went in August. I'm sure summer vacation didn't do us any favors with the experience.


_lucy_blue t1_j3q8kx6 wrote

He’s too clean though 😂


Whompa t1_j3p5ryk wrote

Oh no it looks exactly like my buddy lol…


MizLucinda t1_j3p3izf wrote

That bird is terrifying.


dukeof3arl t1_j3p3pzp wrote

Some hard Harry Potter vibes, mixed with headies, coffee shops, antiques and a very bad case of homelessness


The_Barbelo OP t1_j3ptjlv wrote

Oh, no. He technically has a home. His parents are both doctors and strongly warned against moving here. They are terrified he's going to start getting involved in progressive politics. He's just roleplaying.


vtmosaic t1_j3qkz9l wrote

So much plaid!


Simple-Acanthaceae-4 t1_j3qxk6c wrote

I wouldn't say quintessential but, very common yes. Vermont is a pretty diverse place. We have a quantity of "take Vermont back" Trumpy woodchucks on one end and these guys on the other end (maybe) and everything in between including some pretty bizarre mixtures of the extremes.


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j48ltdx wrote

"Vermont is a pretty diverse place." Say what? You mean like variations on "rich white boomer"?


Simple-Acanthaceae-4 t1_j4hvvnt wrote

Sorry that was the old white man in me. I meant socially diverse, but that is also speaking from a Vermont country boy point of view. The best I can do.


ZaraVT t1_j3qyrzk wrote

The plaid isn’t quite the right colors and those aren’t full blond dreads - but yes - pretty darn accurate


ARGOskier t1_j3ozwnl wrote

Hahah Dall-E!


The_Barbelo OP t1_j3pu8tm wrote

It's called Midjourney. it' has it's own server on discord. I think it's in beta testing but it's seriously impressive. I swear I'm not a shill. You get 25 free prompts.


MarkVII88 t1_j3pcbly wrote

He doesn't look NIMBY enough.


no0bslayer9 t1_j3pq3yl wrote

His eyes aren’t red enough, but other than that... spot on.


GrubSprings t1_j3qlhl0 wrote

Why isn't this person an Abenaki?


Unfiltered_ID t1_j3ratrx wrote

It looks more like the west coaster who moved to Vermont!


vtddy t1_j3sma4a wrote

The new vermonter maybe. Definitely not an original vermonter


TheBeckofKevin t1_j3pe6tq wrote

What algo/software did you use to make it? Seems pretty upscaled in resolution. Whats your process?


[deleted] t1_j3pusc6 wrote



bunkerbash t1_j3qjpqj wrote

I bet it’s fun to sit on the shoulders of actual artists and claim you’ve actually created anything of value. And it’s Muslim. Muslin is a type of fabric.


Soci3talCollaps3 t1_j3pfvap wrote

Well, regardless of any controversies regarding accuracy, I think it is a pretty awesome image. What AI tool did you use to achieve this? Did you have to post-edit too?


The_Barbelo OP t1_j3puw2r wrote

It's a discord server AI called Midjourney! You get 25 free prompts


whys0brave t1_j3qn4fr wrote

Love the double beanie and beautiful chicken. I think I know this guy.


adb1146 t1_j3qo2gq wrote

Looks a little too tanned but perhaps it’s wind burn from the cold.


KillerRabbit20 t1_j3r318x wrote

Bernie Ethan Allen VII, a true Vermonter


MikeDPhilly t1_j3r57n1 wrote

That dude served me a Focal Banger at Doc Ponds last winter, after recommeding the goat cheese flatbread from the artisinal farm a town over.
I said that with love, folks.


donkeyduplex t1_j3r6scg wrote

Yeah, I find it plausible that this guy makes artisanal soaps.


mailbroad t1_j3razqj wrote

This looks like Harry Bliss.


VTPeWPeW247 t1_j3riyhp wrote



0thell0perrell0 t1_j3rkotp wrote

That is a very strange dude. Though I disagree that he is the quintessential vermonter at all (where's the camo? No beard?), I do thing he would probably end up living here. Or rural Oregon, looks like an Oregonoan to me.


mossybishhh t1_j3rprn8 wrote

He's definitely not born here. Moved here three, four years ago for the breweries.


petertheo89 t1_j3rt7v8 wrote

Show me on this doll where the flat landers hurt you!


cpuenvy t1_j3s7cx2 wrote

I own a few shirts very similar to that one.


Baldran t1_j3sc4ug wrote

Arthur “Two Hats” Jackson


TillPsychological351 t1_j3sk426 wrote

I've only liver here for a little over 5 years, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone with beads in their hair.


AllyEmmie t1_j3sv271 wrote

You didn’t do anything. The AI stole art off the internet and made this prompt that you typed in 👌


Bloopereell t1_j3svq5b wrote

Am I the only one who thinks this looks like the YouTuber Cherdleys with some scruff?


afdavis53 t1_j3t8ogi wrote

Only thing missing is a doobie


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j48l8c1 wrote

This is about 50 years too young, otherwise accurate.


richardhk33 t1_j4fzkln wrote

I live in Burlington. I see that guy in the grocery and liquor store all the time. Sometimes at the cannabis dispensary, too.


Dead_Squirrel_6 t1_j3puovw wrote

Which AI did you use? This is probably the best and most accurate AI rendering that I've seen so far


BperrHawaii t1_j3oy2g4 wrote


I mean “SHAWN”….

Oh wait… JESSICA???

Hey long time no see!

You’ve changed 😳
