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EpictetussutetcipE t1_j4220fx wrote

So you're a republican then?

"If it didn't happen to me, it doesn't matter" rhetoric signals a lack of empathy and intelligence; which happen to be one of the most common shared traits within latest iteration of the republican party.

You can't see the interconnections, the implications, the possibilities and potential outcomes? Can you only see your selfish view of the world? How unfortunate.


TheTowerBard t1_j427zrg wrote

And here we have the source of most of society's issues. If these ignorant schmucks would get out of their own way we could have nice things. Meanwhile everyone and everything else is the bad guy because the guy on TV said so.


MarkVII88 t1_j423r5n wrote

I'm not specifically a republican, though I did vote for Phil Scott twice. I think he's done OK.


TheTowerBard t1_j42olpl wrote

Cute “88” in your handle. Golly, whatever could that mean? Surely your not a white supremacist, right? What a joke.


MarkVII88 t1_j42psuj wrote

It means that my first car was a 1988 Lincoln MarkVII. No idea what you're talking about.


TheTowerBard t1_j42rjpd wrote

Whelp, you might want to get an idea because there's lots of folks assuming you're a white supremacist with those numbers in your handle.