
MarkVII88 t1_jd82106 wrote

People say 4-day work week, and lots of people assume there will be 3-day weekends every week. This just will not be the case. Scheduling has to account for staff overlap and coverage on days when others are not working. This would be doubly true for businesses and jobs that require staffing 7 days/week, especially in the service industry.

And what does a 4-day work week really entail? Are we talking about working 20% fewer hours/week for the same pay? For less pay? Are we talking about working 4 days/week at 10 hours/day for the same pay? I'm sure there are multiple answers, depending on the job.


MarkVII88 t1_japiah6 wrote

My wife and I caught norovirus, likely on the trip home from a vacation that we took several years ago. Within 24 hours of getting home, we both had the most horrible stomach upset and diarrhea. We both had to stay home from work for a few extra days once we got home. I must have been in the toilet no less than 30 times in a single day. We drank plenty of water and fluids, and ate a small amount of easy to digest food, like bananas, rice, and ramen noodles. After 3-4 days we felt back to normal. Tired, literally wrung out, but normal.


MarkVII88 t1_ja9bpci wrote

OK, so your elderly neighbor friend is stubborn, not necessarily willing to accept help, and is also a cheap-ass. Best bet for them is just a big bag of ice melt. Hell, buy them two bags and feel better. You could even shovel and de-ice the steps for them every now and then. Otherwise, as the saying goes, You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink.


MarkVII88 t1_ja2cyva wrote

WTH does it say about the kidnappers that they left the keys in the truck such that their victim was (luckily and thankfully) able to drive away after breaking free of her restraints? Sure as shit sounds like they're pretty far from being master criminals. Do drugs make you stupid, or does that come first?


MarkVII88 t1_j9jtp2i wrote

Reply to comment by caro92609 in No USPS deliveries for a week by rchhe

Honestly, I think anyone choosing to live in a very rural area, miles from the nearest paved road should expect to have very much less frequent mail delivery. I'm sure there are plenty of benefits to living out in the "boonies", but there are also costs. And I think getting mail only once/week is definitely one of them.


MarkVII88 t1_j9jsr2z wrote

USPS has been a hot mess over the past year. Actually seems worse now than during the height of the COVID pandemic. They are so short staffed that even a single person taking a single sick, or personal, day puts them hundreds of parcels and packages behind.


MarkVII88 t1_j9f05fe wrote

Hey, guess what? I just noticed that, in his own echo chamber r/PoliticsVermont sub, Rama has just implemented approved comments. You must be an approved commenter in order to comment on any post in that sub. All this was done since last week, when Rama was bitching about being somehow "banned" from r/Vermont, and someone called him out in his own sub. Guess Rama doesn't like being challenged.


MarkVII88 t1_j9f03id wrote

Hey, guess what? I just noticed that, in his own echo chamber r/PoliticsVermont sub, Rama has just implemented approved comments. You must be an approved commenter in order to comment on any post in that sub. All this was done since last week, when Rama was bitching about being somehow "banned" from r/Vermont, and someone called him out in his own sub. Guess Rama doesn't like being challenged.