Submitted by Fun-Midnight1010 t3_10b9vc1 in vermont
Fun-Midnight1010 OP t1_j492r0j wrote
It’s in someone’s property
vtddy t1_j4935hi wrote
Learn how to drive or stay home when it's bad
Stockmom42 t1_j493qys wrote
This is why people keep slowing down way before turning…to avoid this situation.
0ldManMcGucket t1_j495mbt wrote
If only there was some way to know that the roads are icy...and covered in snow. Then people would know to slow down
Loudergood t1_j496equ wrote
That's not gone well.
[deleted] t1_j4974kc wrote
then by all means
Fun-Midnight1010 OP t1_j498u7i wrote
I had a interview and tomorrow I’m heading back to Burlington for college
meinblown t1_j498w9q wrote
Eat a fucking dick. You know fuck all about the situation.
Fun-Midnight1010 OP t1_j4996sj wrote
It’s fine
thelasagna t1_j499oyx wrote
Right? Even the best drivers have accidents sometimes. We all do our best. I hope the person is ok.
sugarplummed t1_j49dcuc wrote
It looks fine.
DanIsNotUrMan t1_j49h4g6 wrote
They could’ve just kept driving
Bradcopter t1_j49jsaa wrote
Yeah, around a $250 fine.
Johnny9Toes t1_j49kgxs wrote
If you french fry when you're supposed to pizza, you're gonna have a bad day.
woolsocksandsandals t1_j49ljm5 wrote
Was that your car?
Clamato-n-rye t1_j49nc8i wrote
"But they said ALL WEATHER tires!"
MultiGeometry t1_j49q0ye wrote
Is the property posted?
MultiGeometry t1_j49q4hh wrote
Face down, booty up!
Outrageous-Outside61 t1_j49qhqx wrote
Idk why you’re getting shit for that comment. Glad OP is safe, but honestly if you’re gonna just drive off the road like that you need some serious practice before driving on roads that weren’t even that bad.
landodk t1_j49rgy8 wrote
I know they were going too fast for the conditions
Abbot_of_Cucany t1_j49snjy wrote
You can drive in any weather. Just not necessarily in the direction that you want to go.
meinblown t1_j49ss1h wrote
I bet you do. You professional, you! ;)
mountainofclay t1_j49vout wrote
Yeah it was pretty slick this morning for sure.
mountainofclay t1_j49vsj8 wrote
Yeah it’s the stopping that’s hard. Driving? No problem.
deadbalconytree t1_j49z7go wrote
I was in NYC yesterday for a work event and my coworker from PA was talking about how his son and friends were in Vermont for the weekend. And then he shows me a photo and text from his son saying “don’t tell mom” and it’s his friend’s suv on its side on the side of the road with the airbags deployed. Apparently my coworker could make the event because he was in NY waiting for them to show up on the train that evening…
WetAndStickyBandits t1_j4a2g1l wrote
Is this in Greensboro?
202333333 t1_j4amchz wrote
I dunno. 4 tires on black ice or something, only so much you can do maybe.
More importantly tho, you’ve recently posted some excellent VT content. Good stuff 🍻!
TwoAffectionate3506 t1_j4b31p0 wrote
Bolton! Drive carefully out there
Hanginon t1_j4b5r0h wrote
Isaac Newton says; "Slow down..." ¯\_( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)_/¯
Azr431 t1_j4b79u2 wrote
That thick slushy stuff is as bad as ice
Anxious-Captain737 t1_j4bfa6s wrote
It happens
Fitz_brit t1_j4bk8hz wrote
That's the way I like it.
naria01 t1_j4blmyy wrote
When the plow trucks dump salt and it melts the ice - then it gets refrozen...
Yeah bruh, the roads were that bad.
lantonas t1_j4bmwo5 wrote
Step 1) Don't lock the brakes
blutbad_buddy t1_j4bn55e wrote
It's worse! I barely made it out of my driveway because of the slush, but ice and snow are no problem for my Patriot. Plus you can't see the ruts so you get yanked around on the dirt roads on that greasy mess.
JodaUSA t1_j4bo29l wrote
You are looking at a post containing the property so as far as I care yes
JodaUSA t1_j4bo5ct wrote
And people wonder why I don’t want to drive in the winter
suzi-r t1_j4bwh3q wrote
Darn “all-season” tires
suzi-r t1_j4bwsyq wrote
You bet your bippy!
suzi-r t1_j4bx0a3 wrote
Yay for remote!!!
Unseen_Unheard_ t1_j4c0ul1 wrote
Exactly why you should run winter tires and possibly stud them
MattRobStu t1_j4d1q5c wrote
"I thought Subarus' were supposed to be good in the snow."
Amyarchy t1_j4d5p85 wrote
Whoopsie! Hopefully everyone is OK and there isn't much of a repair bill. Don't let the turkeys in this thread get you down, it happens sometimes. Live and learn!
Fun-Midnight1010 OP t1_j4d7zim wrote
It was just me and my very first car crash
Outrageous-Outside61 t1_j4dzp4i wrote
Yeah, I mean, they were bad here too but that’s besides the point. Unless someone hits you you’re always at fault in an accident. Cars are fucking dangerous and if you or your vehicle isn’t adequately prepared for the situation you should stay home. Just my two sense on it, and not saying I haven’t done my share of stupid shit I shouldn’t have done either.
Outrageous-Outside61 t1_j4dzzvo wrote
Also I’m not gonna lie I’ve got all my days combined with a five day old newborn, so forgive my completely moronic statements of “the roads weren’t that bad” and “they were bad here too” I’ll just blame the sleep deprivation and show myself out 😂😂
justsomeguyVT t1_j4ebagb wrote
Got lucky, if the airbags didn’t go off
[deleted] t1_j4ekxer wrote
jammasterjaydogg t1_j4ekyv9 wrote
Saw this on the way back from Shaw’s this AM, not sure what happened but in front of the State Police is a hatchback in the ditch
jammasterjaydogg t1_j4elax7 wrote
Caught another ditch diver last week on the dirt road by the house!
blutbad_buddy t1_j4eshuf wrote
That's a gentle "this is what it's like to be in a crash" experience you got.
Learn from it instead of thinking they all end like that.
Fun-Midnight1010 OP t1_j4fzny3 wrote
Shaws in Manchester,vt
Odd-Philosopher5926 t1_j4iabxb wrote
I’ll bet my alleged dog that they hit the brakes going around that corner.
Fun-Midnight1010 OP t1_j4ihgoy wrote
I tried to brake but slid
Odd-Philosopher5926 t1_j4iov8v wrote
Hitting the brakes is the instinct when sliding but it guarantees the complete loss of steering
VTer t1_j490nq4 wrote
Hey, I don't think you can park there!