Abbot_of_Cucany t1_je1kjqc wrote
Reply to comment by L41L41 in TIFU by accidentally giving my nephew a book about a little girl killing her family members by AustinLVII
Between Struwwelpeter and the folktales collected by the brothers Grimm, Germany has a long tradition of horrifying children's books.
Abbot_of_Cucany t1_jd3mxyj wrote
Reply to comment by tossawayintheend in Police busted underage drinking party at home of state rep by BudsKind802
You get to have a party. They get their house cleaned for them. Sounds like a win for both sides.
Abbot_of_Cucany t1_jad2pl6 wrote
Ask your doctor if sildenafil is right for you.
Abbot_of_Cucany t1_j9zkmlt wrote
Reply to comment by HessLook in This cafe bill comes with a hint for splitting the cost by qwertymanman
Made with yogurt instead of milk, and the batter is thicker than American pancake batter or crêpe batter.
Abbot_of_Cucany t1_j9zf3tb wrote
Reply to comment by crackpotJeffrey in This cafe bill comes with a hint for splitting the cost by qwertymanman
/5 is also easy. Double the amount and move the decimal point over by one place.
Abbot_of_Cucany t1_j7c8h9y wrote
Reply to comment by TheZvlz in [OC] Heatmap of Arby's per Million People by fizzSortBubbleBuzz
Ah, but we have maple creemees*. You can't get better than that.
(*) the local name for soft-serve ice cream made with maple syrup
Abbot_of_Cucany t1_j6lep6z wrote
Reply to comment by Jiopaba in ELI5 why do your eyes adjust so fast to bright light but so slowly to darkness? by melig1991
I just have a night-light in my bathroom, aimed towards the toilet. That way I never have to turn on the main bathroom light at night.
Abbot_of_Cucany t1_j6gvpxj wrote
Reply to comment by str8clay in Can I store paint in plastic bottles? by allemachtigeapekut
If you're only storing a little bit of left-over paint, the original cans will have too much air space and the paint will degrade faster. Also, they take up a lot more space.
Abbot_of_Cucany t1_j4o56h3 wrote
Reply to comment by KevinAnniPadda in I have a ventless propane fireplace insert that had a 100 gallon tank outside. Can I replace it with a refillable 10 gallon tank? by KevinAnniPadda
I don't know if there are other propane companies in your area, but possibly another one would.
Abbot_of_Cucany t1_j4nh5ap wrote
Reply to I have a ventless propane fireplace insert that had a 100 gallon tank outside. Can I replace it with a refillable 10 gallon tank? by KevinAnniPadda
I asked my gas company to take me off automatic delivery, and change my account to deliver on request only. I check the tank gauge every six months or so, and call them when it's down to about 20%. (Actually these days I don't have to call — there's now a link on their website to request a delivery).
Abbot_of_Cucany t1_j4f3ocj wrote
Reply to comment by 802Maple in First time in my 15 years in VT that local, farm fresh, cage free eggs are cheaper than local commercial ones. Any one else experiencing this? by ranaparvus
A little bit, but primarily caused a massive avian flu outbreak — many commercial producers have had to kill all their chickens.
Abbot_of_Cucany t1_j49snjy wrote
Reply to comment by Clamato-n-rye in Darn icy roads by Fun-Midnight1010
You can drive in any weather. Just not necessarily in the direction that you want to go.
Abbot_of_Cucany t1_j433gp1 wrote
Reply to comment by KITTYONFYRE in Rutland school board settles on ‘Rutland’ as the name for school sports teams - VTDigger by Loudergood
Hanover (NH) did have a pirate for a mascot (they called their teams the Marauders), and they just changed to a bear. Raiding and pillaging is no longer considered acceptable behavior.
Abbot_of_Cucany t1_j2tqrx0 wrote
Reply to God of VT? by imanursesowhat
Needs to be holding a maple creemee, ready to fling it like Thor's hammer.
Abbot_of_Cucany t1_j2toj8t wrote
Reply to comment by TheBugHouse in God of VT? by imanursesowhat
Good old Ethan Allen!
Abbot_of_Cucany t1_j0k2lp6 wrote
Reply to comment by 1DollarOr1Million in How much did it cost you to run power to your build per foot/yard? Green Mountain Power by Elegant_Schedule1566
Absolutely. If you're paying to dig a trench anyway, the extra cost for a 2" conduit is pretty small. And run a pull-string (or 2) through the conduit so that when it's time to install the fiber, it can just be pulled through. The same conduit can be used for fiber, phone, coax, or other low-voltage services as long as it's big enough.
Abbot_of_Cucany t1_j0ebumz wrote
Reply to Woodstock on Dec 17/18 by CaliforniaLove333
See a performance of Midwinter Revels (just across the river in Lebanon NH).
Abbot_of_Cucany t1_izd9nta wrote
The Market Basket in Claremont NH is only 6 miles from the border. Not too far out of the way if you're in Windsor or Springfield.
Abbot_of_Cucany t1_iy0epiv wrote
Reply to comment by ARealVermontar in Best Cellular networks? by wholeWheatButterfly
For the benefit of others reading this post, T-Mobile also has pretty good coverage on the east side of the state, not not so much west of the mountains. But looking up specific carriers on a coverage map is really the only way to tell.
Abbot_of_Cucany t1_iy06aet wrote
Reply to comment by Unique-Public-8594 in Charging a Tesla in Vermont by sunnytropics
Not for someone going through Saratoga, obviously. But OP was coming from NJ, and one reasonable route to VT is taking I-84 to Hartford CT, then I-91 north.
Abbot_of_Cucany t1_ixzh9fg wrote
Reply to Charging a Tesla in Vermont by sunnytropics
If you're coming up I-91, there are superchargers in West Lebanon NH, which is just a few minutes out of your way.
Abbot_of_Cucany t1_iwxxxcu wrote
Reply to comment by Loudergood in What is this garbage? It's neither syrup, nor Vermont.... by twowheels
That's because their menus nationwide used the word "maple", and in Vermont you can only make that claim if it's real. If they had said "pancake syrup" they could have continued to serve the fake stuff.
IHOP decided it was cheaper for them to serve real maple syrup than it would be to print two different menus, one for Vermont and the other for the rest of the US.
Abbot_of_Cucany t1_iwxg2dx wrote
Reply to comment by Fabulousfemur in Spotted in rural northwest VT by AOx3_VSS_IDGAF
You're correct, I misread the original figures. Even at the proposed new spending level of $78 billion, it's still only twice as much as we spend on beer. And practically invisible compared to the $2–4 trillion cost to taxpayers of the 2017 corporate tax rate cuts.
Abbot_of_Cucany t1_iwtgqoy wrote
Reply to comment by Fabulousfemur in Spotted in rural northwest VT by AOx3_VSS_IDGAF
Last I checked, we've committed to send about $4.5bil to Ukraine. (Maybe that's been increased but it's a good ballpark estimate). For comparison, that's about 0.6% of our defense budget. Or about 1/8 as much as we annually spend on beer.
Abbot_of_Cucany t1_jeawudp wrote
Reply to Why Gov. Scott must take a lesson from Israeli Parliament (Knesset) member Yitchak Pindrus by thesoleyid
On the other hand, Pindrus has said he's in favor of "blowing up the Supreme Court". As a Vermonter, I think I could get behind that, given the current state of the court.