
Abbot_of_Cucany t1_j4nh5ap wrote

I asked my gas company to take me off automatic delivery, and change my account to deliver on request only. I check the tank gauge every six months or so, and call them when it's down to about 20%. (Actually these days I don't have to call — there's now a link on their website to request a delivery).


Abbot_of_Cucany t1_j0k2lp6 wrote

Absolutely. If you're paying to dig a trench anyway, the extra cost for a 2" conduit is pretty small. And run a pull-string (or 2) through the conduit so that when it's time to install the fiber, it can just be pulled through. The same conduit can be used for fiber, phone, coax, or other low-voltage services as long as it's big enough.


Abbot_of_Cucany t1_iwxxxcu wrote

That's because their menus nationwide used the word "maple", and in Vermont you can only make that claim if it's real. If they had said "pancake syrup" they could have continued to serve the fake stuff.

IHOP decided it was cheaper for them to serve real maple syrup than it would be to print two different menus, one for Vermont and the other for the rest of the US.


Abbot_of_Cucany t1_iwxg2dx wrote

You're correct, I misread the original figures. Even at the proposed new spending level of $78 billion, it's still only twice as much as we spend on beer. And practically invisible compared to the $2–4 trillion cost to taxpayers of the 2017 corporate tax rate cuts.