swsvt t1_j6fk3j8 wrote
Um, I've been here my whole life (5th or 6th generation). I say hi to everyone on the street. I think maybe you're just grumpy 😁
Commercial_Case_7475 t1_j6fkpc4 wrote
Hi 👋
PuddleCrank t1_j6fl2q2 wrote
Howdy neighbor. How's the drive way? Need a quick blow? Mines already running.
HappilyhiketheHump t1_j6flaps wrote
I’m sure I’m not the first, but, Fuck off!
croissanteating t1_j6flb9n wrote
mrbisthebest t1_j6flub6 wrote
I'm a new arrival, and people certainly seem to say hello to me, which obviously I say hello back and go on with my day.
stinking_badgers t1_j6fm0c1 wrote
Maybe you should go somewhere else where people are as hostile as you.
NoMidnight5366 t1_j6fm4zv wrote
You moved to the wrong state. Kindly move your self a minimum of 60 miles west of your current location.
quinnbeast t1_j6fm97w wrote
Move back to Jersey.
Bradcopter t1_j6fme1g wrote
Up here we say 'sup.'
Also acceptable is 'hey.. get off my lawn!"
HeadPen5724 t1_j6fmytm wrote
Please post a picture of yourself so we all know who to quietly walk by.
Idislikethis_ t1_j6fpltk wrote
I mean, I hate small talk and don't like speaking to people I don't know but it's a very Vermont thing to know everyone and talk to all the people. My Grandpa would go for milk and come back an hour later because he knew everyone at the store and had stopped to talk to them. My husband is the same way. We always joke about old Vermonters doing this.
utohforgotmyusername t1_j6fqxf9 wrote
“Mostly why I moved here”… imagine moving somewhere and expecting to determine the social norms
Northwoods01 t1_j6ft6ah wrote
I now have to know where he's from, lol.
InThreeWordsTheySaid t1_j6fjobz wrote