
HeadPen5724 t1_jeezspq wrote

Why do you think the governor is a shitheel? What has he done for you to form that opinion, because most people generally like him? I’m curious

I don’t think the general statement that Republican candidates in VT are Trump loving goons is remotely accurate. You should get out and talk to a few. Are there some? Sure, but are they all Trumpers? No not really.

They don’t get elected here because most people equate “R” to being a trump loving goon so they vote for whoever has a D or a P next to their name regardless of whether they have the slightest clue about the persons positions… and that’s actually the problem… ignorant voters who vote for a party and not a person 🤷🏼‍♂️


HeadPen5724 t1_jeehz5i wrote

Current regulations are what dissuades people from building more affordable housing. When you need to put up 6 figures just to get to the permitting proc as with no guarantee of actually getting those permits that has to be added on to what you charge for the development. The state caused the problem, expecting them to fix it with more regulations is a bit silly IMO.


HeadPen5724 t1_jeccytg wrote

I would agree they’re functionally dead in this state, but the problem is people because of the party they’re auto labeled shitheels. When in reality I don’t think Scott is a shitheel, or Joe Benning, or Randy Brock, etc. sure there’s some whackos out there but we’d really do well if we stopped reducing every person under a party to that parties worst member. My $0.02


HeadPen5724 t1_jealb3h wrote

They’ve gotten an increase BECAUSE of inflation… there’s a surplus because everything costs 50% more which means more tax dollars flowing in.

Montpelier has a spending problem and people really not to look hard at how their reps are voting. Just because they have your favorite letter next to their name doesn’t mean they’re doing you any favors ?

The DMV could be eliminated and the only meaningful difference would be the lack of long since expired printed off temp plates in the back window of a junk car.


HeadPen5724 t1_je9qdt3 wrote

I’m not sure of the point, our electricity is almost 100% renewable. Our electricity usage isn’t contributing to the climate change and a usage fee would harm low income VTers.

The EIA shows 46% coming from hydro and 0% from nuclear. BLS seems to be using some dated and no longer accurate information. 🤷🏼‍♂️


HeadPen5724 t1_je9of21 wrote

Replacing heating and transportation with electricity is a long term issue. We don’t even have the infrastructure or resources in place for that yet. On top of that, many VTers do not have the resources to convert to electric vehicles and their inefficient homes will use more electricity and they’ll pay more if we use some usage scale to determine rates. This will hurt the poor and do little to nothing to address climate change.

By the time we are converted to electricity we won’t even be using the same technology to generate power.


HeadPen5724 t1_jaf3whm wrote

Educating VT students is a state issue and yes funding in VT is a problem. I’d suggest checking out the revenue in VT, GDP, total income, and cost of education and health care. You’ll find out really quick how far off base you are hear. Or you can just repeat how we are the wealthiest nation in the world and that somehow magically means something to education in VT.


HeadPen5724 t1_jaf3c47 wrote

It’s not a bad idea, but can the state even hold google liable for something someone else did? Would this just add a line to the user agreement that says they aren’t liable if you don’t follow road signs? I have a feeling google would make the VT AG look silly in a court room trying to fine them $2000.

A better approach would be to install a chicane and prevent these trucks from getting through. In the absence of that, fine the driver $2000 and the trucking company $20,000.


HeadPen5724 t1_jae27pj wrote

The court did say public dollars can go to private schools, but that doesn’t give them free reign. For example, I can start a school up and not teach anything other than PE. The state still has a way over curriculum and presumably they also have a say over discrimination, there’s certainly a legal argument to be made that a school that doesn’t meet a minimum curriculum standard, or discriminates against students would not be entitled to funding. Honestly I’m not sure what the point of this bill is… it seems to be trying to pick only certain private schools while simultaneously restricting school choice for sending towns. The bill itself doesn’t appear to pass muster with the courts ruling and seems to be Ill thought out.