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t1_j5tnmhb wrote

Ooof, you’re gonna make people mad with this one 😂 One thing I think you got wrong is while Vermont is a liberal stronghold we have many old progressives that in this day and age would pass as woke hating grumpy old timers. Not a bad thing, just if you live long enough things start to surpass you. My father championed civil rights and worked to get Bernie elected as mayor back in the day. Now he loathes this “ woke culture” Vermont liberal is not the same as others, I have my love of Bernie and AOC, but I also love my glock 🤷🏻‍♂️


t1_j5tpono wrote

You nailed it! That’s what I find so fascinating about this states politics and economy. And from what I can tell by this current legislative session (see newest gun proposals) its stay woke and broke. I could see Vermont state being very broke to the point of needing federal bailouts. Makes me consider not buying here…but we’re going to give it a couple years before pulling the trigger on land.

As a military veteran, the Va is great here and some of the local town tax benefits are ok for land owning vets, but not sure I like the business tax, Act250, and the miss allocation of funds we keep reading about…


t1_j5twyp7 wrote

Act 250 was a bomb, it needs to be abolished. It hamstrings low income housing and stems large companies from coming to the state. I get why it was put into legislation. So Vermont didn’t become a big strip mall. We still got Walmarts and targets and all that trash so really it failed in its intent and now is at archaic POS. We also have one of the highest tax rates in the entire country yet our infrastructure is absolute trash. Don’t get me wrong, Vermont is a wonderful state. It surely needs a heavy overhaul on some stuff though. Our super super popular governor seems to do much about nothing though.


t1_j5ua9ej wrote

Preach it! Governor could get momentum going IF he wanted to…