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[deleted] t1_j6csie8 wrote



wrenchindaddy802 t1_j6d3p1n wrote

"why do you call them shitty?"

Probably because they leave their fucking dog outside all night.


HeadPen5724 t1_j6dbgfe wrote

It’s not uncommon for dogs to live outside in VT, especially if they’re working dogs.


Accurate-Tell8 t1_j6de0t4 wrote

Just because it’s not uncommon doesn’t make it right 🙄


ThirdFirstName t1_j6dnowv wrote

Tbh a lot of working dogs prefer to be outside, especially cold weather dogs. I’m not saying this is the case here but if you had say a malimute they are way more comfortable in the snow then in a 70degree house. Again probs not the issue here but sometimes it is the right way to treat dogs.


HeadPen5724 t1_j6dnpi9 wrote

I didn’t say it was. I gave an example of why a dog maybe left outside and why it would be acceptable. It’s important for working dogs to build a winter coat they don’t when they’re kept inside…. Not all dogs are pets 🤷🏼‍♂️.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j6dti6q wrote

The OP sounds like he doesnt like the mind your own business part of VT. Ive for a neighbor who has hunting dogs. They live outside. Some nights they bark. They are dogs. Barking is part of what they do.


Corey307 t1_j6da1wg wrote

Probably because it’s cold as fuck and dogs don’t like being cold.


ThirdFirstName t1_j6dns9e wrote

Not really true in all cases some dogs are bread to be outside all winter and they much prefer it to being hot inside a house.


Corey307 t1_j6e5bfa wrote

Some, not most. And even dogs like huskies and malamutes should have the option to come inside. It’s going to be -16f by the lake next week, that’s awful cold for any dog.