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juniorgallina OP t1_j7gi13g wrote

"In Turkey, strange behavior was observed in birds shortly before the earthquake. My opinion: Animals always know!"


santacruisin t1_j7gx7zs wrote

all the birds get high in the branches. as soon as the tree shakes they can easily fuck off.

when you see the birds all in the trees like that, now you know.


Busti t1_j7hil3u wrote

Yep, they used to congregate every evening in the trees on the other side of the road of where I used to live. For several hours they'd chase each other, flying up all at once, move from tree to tree as a flock and whatnot. Pretty interesting to watch actually.


wittor t1_j7hm46z wrote

The problem is that you can cause the same reaction using different stimuli and we still don't have a way to differentiate between birds acting strange because of an earthquake and other reasons.


Kalapuya t1_j7htffb wrote

They felt a disturbance in the force.


jtmarshiii t1_j7hti7a wrote

This looks like typical roosting behavior just before sunrise. Science has nat not seen any evidence that animals acting weird before earthquakes.


Cult_ureS t1_j7huywb wrote

If it is the case then they're just like humans.


95%: This is great tree.


svenminoda t1_j7hx2aj wrote

I've seen a few videos of animals (pets moslty) looking like they react a few seconds before the hit. Sadly, it may be annecdotal, skewed (external stimuli making the pets react at something else off camera) etc


FuriouslyListening t1_j7hyasp wrote

I have birds near my house that do this EVERY GOD DAMN DAY. Where's my earthquake?


CrimsAK t1_j7i47q9 wrote

Well it’s kind of hard to study because you need to know when an earthquake is coming first.

There’s at least one study on dogs that suggest they may be able to hear seismic activity beforehand. This was part of an existing study on dogs that was ongoing and had a strange data point just before an earthquake, but it’s not something you can really do an accurate study on.


Redhead_Cecia t1_j7i4xwk wrote

While the title is accurate... it implies the birds are acting this way because of the pending earthquake, and that's false.


MarkHirsbrunner t1_j7ijkt7 wrote

Reminds me of an SF story I read. There was a colony on a planet that had earthquakes that lasted for hours that were much worse than those of Earth every few hundred years, that were going to destroy everything. Almost all the colonists have fled the planet but the main character decided he's not going to leave his home. He flies all over the planet in his flying car in the last days before the quakes visiting all the places he had lived and had important memories at, and then waited for the end to come.

I thought he was stupid. He had a flying car that could stay aloft for hours. All he had to do was hover until the quakes were over. Birds have the right idea.


shawster t1_j7iofa8 wrote

It seems that many (most?) animals are able to react well before an earthquake, or at least before it.

I can imagine a dog's hearing might clue them in to very deep bass that we can't hear, or perhaps far away rumblings of the earthquake. But what about birds? Cats?


hacefrio2 t1_j7isk0x wrote

I think they are trying to warn us


Kaiisim t1_j7ivukr wrote

Birds dont react to earthquakes like that as everyone is pointing out.

But they do flee hurricanes. Studies have shown they can hear the wind coming! When a hurricane is coming you'll notice that eerie silence as lots of birds gtfo.


Ninnux t1_j7izmkp wrote

Translated: In Turkey, strange behavior was observed in birds just before the earthquake. My opinion: Animals always know!


EricMarola t1_j7izyw4 wrote

Just before the Ridgecrest earthquakes that also hit LA in 2019, I saw birds also acting weird. I’d say it was something like this.


SammyTheSloth t1_j7j8z0c wrote

It makes sense that dog would sense the earthquake slightly before humans. They have a highly developed inner ear that helps them react to balance and spacial awareness.

Unless it’s my dog. He runs into furniture at a walking pace.


BananaJammies t1_j7jox7x wrote

I think animals can hear things and react to that noise


ConstantlyComments t1_j7jqatr wrote

In my college Animal Behavior class we talked about some cases, but that was quite a few years ago so I don’t remember details. All I really remember was it had to do with infrasound/ultrasound. I did a quick Google and found an article but don’t have time right now to read the whole thing. Here’s an excerpt though:

“The Boxing Day Tsunami on 26 December 2004 was created by a magnitude 9.0 earthquake, 160 km off the northwest coast of Sumatra, one minute before 0800 local time (00:58:53 UCT). The earthquake resulted in a 15.6 m (50 ft) wave that crashed onto the coast of Sumatra. This wave impacted the shoreline, producing low-frequency sounds at and below 100 Hz with much of the energy residing in infrasonic frequencies between 1 Hz and 10 Hz. These sounds travel in the atmosphere at the speed of sound. At the tropical ocean surface this speed will be about 1260 km/h. The tsunami, in contrast, travels at a speed of 700 km/h. Elephants at locations 1000 km distant from Sumatra (Phuket, Thailand and Yala National Park, Sri Lanka) detected and responded to this sound wave 38.1 min prior to the arrival of the tsunami. No elephant in either location was lost or injured. In contrast, a significant number of people on the beaches of Thailand lost their lives [17].”

Edit: And I do realize this may have had more to do with the tsunami as opposed to the earthquake, but if someone wants to read that article there may be more in there specifically regarding earthquakes.


societymike t1_j7jtuj7 wrote

With that said, I was sitting in our office at work in Tokyo on March 11th 2011 with 3 coworkers just bs'ing about our day when the fish in the aquarium we were facing just started going nuts, swimming around fast, hitting the sides and jumping, and one managed to jump out and we put him back in, but they wouldn't calm down. We were all wondering WTF are they doing, they are normally calm and slow all day, but within a minute or so, the water started splashing like someone was moving the aquarium, (but it's heavy and sitting on a concrete wall) and we realized it was a little earthquake. Ok, nbd, we just had a couple trimmers last night, the fish probably felt it faster than us.. but that's when it started getting stronger and stronger and didn't stop, we evacuated, and it just kept going for a few more minutes, things breaking, lights on the flight line looking like windshield wipers, garage doors falling, phones going crazy. Later, we got back inside and only 1 fish was still in the tank sadly.


Beorma t1_j7k8jkc wrote

Jackdaws are, despite the Unidan meme, a type of crow. The whole "the only crows are those with 'crow' in their English name" thing is bunk.

These are definitely Jackdaws by their call though, rather than hooded or carrion crows.


ManyWeek t1_j7kb21r wrote

It's time to investigate if those birds are behind the earthquake. Those robots are up to no good.


Frodo_noooo t1_j7l29f1 wrote

I guess there's no context to the video, but theoretically, it's supposed to be happening moments before the earthquake, so I guess my question was more "is this normal at the time they're doing it, or is this a weird behaviour?".

Since it happened around 4 am, it's possible they were doing this pre-dawn, so you could be absolutely right.