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Red8Rain t1_j7ryoki wrote

Is ganon back from the dead after link killed his true pig form in botw?


lexilogo t1_j7tgypy wrote

Calamity Ganon wasn't his "true" pig form, it was a projection implied to be created due to the sealing of the true Ganondorf corpse, which has been tortured underneath Hyrule (and, if you believe the speculation, harvested for ancient energy) for an immeasurable amount of time


firestepper t1_j7xcy4w wrote

Oh gotcha… was that part of the game or do i have to watch 200 hours of Zelda theory videos to get that part?


lexilogo t1_j7xfuwf wrote

The "harvested for ancient energy" bit, yeah, ~200 hours of looking at the architecture 'n stuff.

The basic idea... Not really?

  • Something happened to Ganon that made him begin "reincarnating" as Calamity Ganon, all normal forms of him are spoken of as phenomenally ancient legends
  • We see an extremely ancient corpse that is clearly Ganondorf sealed away with a much more pure version of Malice leaking from it

There's more evidence about the specifics of why he might be down there than that, but the basic idea of "oh crap the real ganondorf was down there?" is something that anyone paying attention should've picked up on pretty much immediately


Weerdo5255 t1_j7sj8yd wrote

Isn't part of the Zelda lore that all the Games are taking place ten's of thousands of years apart?

Link, Zelda, and Ganon all reincarnate and are locked in this eternal struggle.


j4nkyst4nky t1_j7srzxt wrote

So roughly, there were three golden goddesses created the world and left behind the triforce, which has incredible power to shape the world (no gods can use it importantly). The goddess Hylia was in charge of protecting it. A super bad dude called Demise shows up and he wants that triforce to shape the world how he sees fit.

Demise is sealed away by Hylia but she is seriously wounded and also she knows the seal isn't going to hold. So she denounces her godhood and uses the triforce so that she can die and be reborn when Demise escapes the seal.

Fast forward a while and the seal fails. Hylia is reborn as Zelda. Hylia chooses a champion (Link) and he defeats Demise. But Demise is like "I'm not going away that easy. I will be reborn as many times as it takes!" And he has indeed been reborn several times as Ganon(dorf).

So Zelda, Link and Ganon are stuck in a cycle of rebirth all centered on the triforce. Or at least that's my understanding of the Creation period. I'm sure someone a little nerdier than me could pick it apart if they wanted to.


Weerdo5255 t1_j7sss4y wrote

I'm ready to bestow you the nerd badge. It's more than what I knew.


Star_Tropic t1_j7su8g0 wrote

Is his name Ganon or Ganondorf? I've always said the first as a short hand for the second.


ATLSox87 t1_j7sy7v6 wrote

Ganondorf is Ganon's human form. Ganon's true form is a beast


Crash4654 t1_j7t0pkt wrote

Opposite. Ganondorf is the true form, Ganon is when he changes.


ATLSox87 t1_j7t18ay wrote

I was trying to confirm that before posting but idk if Nintendo has ever definitively clarified it. Here's what the zelda wiki says:,to%20in%20most%20subsequent%20titles.


Crash4654 t1_j7t1gi7 wrote

Fandom is... not quite reliable.

Oot revealed his true form. He transforms into Ganon under extreme measures when he unleashes the full power of his triforce.

Its not known why he doesn't revert back in some installments.


Red8Rain t1_j7sus6l wrote

ah yes now I remember reading about this.


Rotation_Nation t1_j7sq9es wrote

Many of them are shorter time frames than that, but for BotW the events of the past games are so far gone that they have faded into legend.


benjalss t1_j7ugw29 wrote

I have won again, Lews Therin.


kodutta7 t1_j7v8iqp wrote

Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again.


Mythosaurus t1_j7unch0 wrote

Yes that reincarnation cycle happens, but there are also multiple games that follow the same “Link” through different adventures.

  • Link from “Orcarina of Time” goes on to be in “Majora’s Mask”
  • Link from “Wind Waker” is the same guy in “Phantom Hourglass” and “Spirit Tracks”
  • “Link to the Past”, “Oracles series”, and “Links Awakening” have the same Link.
  • Link in BOTW is the same on in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity

So the characters in BOTW are the same Link and Zelda we’ll see in Tears of the Kingdom.


[deleted] t1_j7skehb wrote



donaldtrumpeter t1_j7stiw5 wrote

I actually loved the shrines...but ya, weapon durability was awful.


DerMetulz t1_j7syivr wrote

I liked them, but I MUCH prefer classic, unique dungeons.


corpjuk t1_j7whs4e wrote

The shrines were ok, I did like how skyward sword did it with some out door puzzles to enter a dungeon. But shrines replacing dungeons I didn’t like at all.


photoguy423 t1_j7ujd1l wrote

Thing that pissed me off was the bombs that only really damaged me if I was too close. They didn't seem to do shit to any of the monsters.


TypicalDelay t1_j7vz2mn wrote

yea the game really baits you into thinking the bombs are a viable alternative since all your weapons are made out of paper

then you realize it takes a year to just equip->throw->explode them and another year to kill anything with them because they do basically no damage


firestepper t1_j7xd9pd wrote

Except the sand worm thing that guy didn’t like the bombs


its_not_you_its_ye t1_j7va6jd wrote

Yeah. I had been hearing about how the game compared to Skyrim and to the Witcher before I got the switch, but found the game rather shallow overall. Still have put dozens of hours into exploring and playing through the story that is there, but there’s not a lot of depth to it - just run around as much as you can and collect as much a as you can and the story is mostly like other Zelda games, but that’s the extent of it.


Kudos2Yousguys t1_j7rzi1y wrote

holy shit, there's a lot of new stuff!


sadult t1_j7v3gna wrote

Is there? Same engine, the same map (but with aerial terrain), most of the monsters were exactly the same, and we don’t even see hardly any of the gameplay. There’s a few new weapons, and I guess new ways to travel, but it seems pretty bare bones to me. Especially considering they’re charging $70 for what’s seems to me like DLC to botw.


[deleted] t1_j7v6hkl wrote



sadult t1_j7v7ao0 wrote

Yeah, I did notice, and that’s why I mentioned them in my original comment.

I’m pretty sure most people can realize they’re playing the same engine that botw was on, because you know, everything looks exactly the same? Whether or not you agree with it or don’t, stop pretending like no one cares or people can’t even tell.

I’m a casual player here as well, and that’s why I think it’s kind of funny for you to say there’s “a lot of new stuff!” when there really isn’t… which is why I also don’t want to spend $70 paying for a game that looks exactly like botw with a few gameplay changes. I just see it as DLC.

On the other hand they’ve been pretty cryptic about showing really anything, so maybe there is a bunch of new stuff they’re just now showing us.

No need to get offended that other people have slightly different opinions than you.


[deleted] t1_j7v7yqr wrote



sadult t1_j7v8y0c wrote

I love when people come up with narratives for others decisions.

I guess you’re just not used to discourse with people who have differing ideas? I was really just curious to see what you thought was so new about it, but you took the conversation and made it almost hostile.

Good luck with that attitude mate. Cheers.


Seankps t1_j7s12y8 wrote

Not huge in Zelda, but is it typical for Link to have an aircraft?


Bormsie721 t1_j7se0aa wrote

He's had a train and boat before. Plane was the next logical form of transportation


alrij t1_j7si159 wrote

he had a motorcycle in botw as well


Savantrovert t1_j7t4t8f wrote

Thankfully he outgrew that awkward Furry phase when he thought he was a wolf.


grant47 t1_j7t9t1q wrote

It was more of an edgy emo phase, you wouldn’t get it /s


elSuavador t1_j7sz9tr wrote

No, but once he had a talking boat that took him to an underwater kingdom where it turned into a person who was also a king and maybe Zelda’s dad?


NickMoore30 t1_j7t9m85 wrote

Yeah, usually he’s got a F-14 Tomcat or blackhawk, but looks like they’re going with the glider in this one. Really cool.


CaptainFrugal t1_j7ucslz wrote

Does the voice acting just seem off or is that consistent to botw


Regijack t1_j7uvzhx wrote

That’s pretty consistent. Zelda always sounds like an extremely socially awkward lass


Linktank t1_j7t0tmk wrote

I bet it runs great on the Steam Deck.


CarioGod t1_j7s3jvv wrote

game looks really good, lots of reused assets but damn it looks good


RockBlock t1_j7st5t5 wrote

Majora's Mask was also built on reused assets and mechanics from OoT and it was an absolutely phenomenal game. Hoping for that situation again.


LaverniusTucker t1_j7sy1we wrote

If they just took BotW and fleshed out the world with content and actual dungeons in place of the generic shrines spammed all over the map that would be enough for me to buy in.

If they chose a different system for weapons that doesn't have you breaking swords every tenth swing that'd be icing on the cake.


trahh t1_j7t8uvx wrote

yeah i would say those two things were the major downsides to me. i found the shrines sooooo boring and really sucked you out of this cool world into these dull dark rooms. instead of that just make it all environmental and it'd bang


iPlod t1_j7tdb09 wrote

This trailer got my hopes up that this one will be BOTW but actually a Zelda game. Saw glimpses of some actual unique bosses and dungeons in this trailer


mynameisollie t1_j7tl24s wrote

It looks like link is fishing a wheel out of some mud and then the next shot he’s riding some makeshift looking car. Is there going to be some kind of Garry’s Mod-esque vehicular building?


ThemesOfMurderBears t1_j7u25ys wrote

Looks good. Too bad it’s going to be locked to their incredibly weak Switch hardware.


ChefGoldblum87 t1_j7sxx94 wrote

Glitchy music over the title giving me Twilight Realm vibes, hope to see some of that come back.


xSAV4GE t1_j7sctmn wrote

GOTY? I sure hope so!


onmyyacht t1_j7t5tt0 wrote

May 12th Link..we have plans at the campfire late late at night. Please wear those undies


tangoshukudai t1_j7v132d wrote

Is this a new game or an expansion?


Hectate t1_j7zxs9y wrote

New game.


tangoshukudai t1_j801agx wrote

Why does it look like an expansion?


MartyVentura t1_j8028f5 wrote

Because it was originally planned as DLC, but they had too many ideas to fit in, so they expanded into a full game


Hectate t1_j801u78 wrote

Don’t know, let me ask my uncle that works at Nintendo?


tangoshukudai t1_j80324t wrote

They have never done this with a Mario game (other than Galaxy 2). All the Mario games looked unique, while this game just looks like an expanded BOTW.


Hectate t1_j803szs wrote

I’m confused so I’m guessing you’re a troll.


tangoshukudai t1_j80b9f3 wrote

Why are you confused? The game is just BOTW with different cut scenes and maps. I don't understand how this should be $80. Nintendo typically has a higher bar than this, where they redesign the game mechanics, graphics, story, etc.


Hectate t1_j80l5c5 wrote

Ah. Well, what I read was "They have never done this with a Mario game" and thought you were trolling by claiming this is "just a Mario game". You were comparing the differences in sequels between the franchises. Makes more sense now that I've read it a second time with your reply.

I guess we will have to wait and see if we think there are enough differences to warrant the cost upon release.

Don't forget, this is the same company that re-released Mario Kart 8 as "Deluxe" on the Switch at full price. They also remade Link's Awakening and remastered Windwaker, at pretty much full price. Sure, they make really good games that retain value, but they also milk them for a long time.

Time will tell about TOTK.


tangoshukudai t1_j8dw7r3 wrote

Yeah and they know we will buy it too. Just frustrates me that they could have waited a bit longer and came out on a new engine. Maybe they are doing that in parallel.


Hectate t1_j8dyh02 wrote

It wouldn’t surprise me. IIRC, the “hi-def” demo video that came out before WW eventually became the base for Twilight Princess? So two very different styles that developed simultaneously, more or less.


pan0ramic t1_j7soy93 wrote

I’m not buying it unless we get another femboy link outfit


simies t1_j7t0f3u wrote

I would just like one Zelda game where you play as Zelda. Just once please. I would be so happy.


LH_Eyeshot t1_j7trb8o wrote

I think there was a cdi game where you play as Zelda


simies t1_j7u7s5v wrote

There were, I think a trio of them but they were very janky to play and still pretty difficult to get your hands on outside of emulation.


SuperFantasticWR t1_j7sw98q wrote

So it's a 7 year old Botw sequel?

That's a longass time for a sequel of a game built off the same engine as the original.....


SuperFantasticWR t1_j7sweso wrote

For context, Fallout 3 and Fallout 3 NV were only 2 years 4 months apart. Utilizing the same game engine.

Let's not bring up Skyrim as a counter argument tho, eh? :D


LemonDesu t1_j7syxnn wrote

Botw was 2017, so 6 years, and then take off 1-2 years because covid years were hardly productive in the gaming industry in Japan. It also started as a DLC concept, and it wasn’t until later on they decided there was too many ideas they had to warrant being just a DLC, so it wasn’t even planned as a sequel from the start of development.


SuperFantasticWR t1_j7sze50 wrote

> take off 1-2 years because covid years were hardly productive in the gaming industry in Japan.

WE can't quantify that in truth. I happen to work in the gaming industry and we managed to maintain our release schedules during Covid. If your boss asked you "were you hardly productive during covid?" and you said yes then lord help me if you still have a job.l

Covid sucked, yes I agree. but it wasn't a free pass to just be a piece of shit company for 2 years where the digital of things became that much more hyper competitive.

My $.03.
