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crowsive92 t1_jak5v6a wrote

It was 3rd degree?


latinsupercube t1_jakjc8d wrote

I don't think so, 3rd degree reaches the fat layer, destroys all the skin and requires skin grafts. Looks like 2nd degree at most to me


roburrito t1_jancjzx wrote

Probably 3rd degree in a few spots. His forearm and chest looked pretty bad.


notjasonlee t1_jakoasy wrote

maybe do like...literally 5 seconds of google searching before just making shit up. he had third-degree burns and skin grafting.


[deleted] t1_jakqht7 wrote



veerKg_CSS_Geologist t1_jal0o2i wrote

Given he's wealthy he probably had 2nd degree burns which they called 3rd degree and got the best plastic surgeons to reconstruct his face.


hopper75 OP t1_jak9gim wrote

That's what he said


f_d t1_jal2lbi wrote

Here's a press appearance by his doctor while he was being treated.


scullys_alien_baby t1_jal84pk wrote

interesting that the doc mentions that it was mostly 2nd degree but some portions were 3rd degree but leno just refers to them as 3rd degree.

this isn't super important but does explain why Leno doesn't look turbo busted compared to other severe burn victims.


f_d t1_jalaje2 wrote

He needed two separate surgeries and could have had his pick of reconstructive surgeons. The important functional parts of his face were spared, but he needed some skin grafts and reconstruction. So he looks considerably better than the scarring he would have if he had received more basic treatment just to prevent infection. Whatever the level of burn, it was a serious injury that he was lucky wasn't much worse.


mqee t1_jal8tqg wrote

>possibly some third degree burns

So the vast majority were "deep second-degree burns" and the doctors weren't sure there were any third-degree burns.


eggsssssssss t1_jaka4x8 wrote

Everything else online seems to say so. I recall it being described as really, really bad around the time it happened.


ShankThatSnitch t1_jakgi6f wrote

It was



MyNameIsCronus t1_jakizas wrote

Idk, doesn't look too bad


ShankThatSnitch t1_jakkrkw wrote

3rd degree burns on 40%-50% of your face is not bad? Both of his arms were also burned as well.


veerKg_CSS_Geologist t1_jal0xwf wrote

It doesn't look like 3rd degree burns. The skin is still intact. In 3rd degree the skin is gone and the damage extends to the fatty layer below.

Unless that is a photo after grafting.


quietly_now t1_jal4bgw wrote

That’s not 3rd degree burns

Source: I’ve had first and second degree burns from a workplace accident and looked significantly worse than this. 3rd degree burns gets through to the FAT layer under your skin.


ShankThatSnitch t1_jakgffk wrote


smokeyjay t1_jakoml6 wrote

Edit: Shank showed me a pic w/ jay leno and skin grafts so I stand corrected.

The initial debate was the pic which I did not think needed surgery and were 2nd degree but now I'm shown a pic of Jay and skin grafts on his face.

I was clearly wrong and going off by the pic that was shown :(


givemethebat1 t1_jaky3kx wrote

I’m inclined to believe Jay Leno, the person to whom it happened.


veerKg_CSS_Geologist t1_jal0rpn wrote

Hmmm, a celebrity or a photo? Which is more believable?


odischeese t1_jal1ocx wrote

I wonder which one sounded wayyyv more dramatic 🤣


WhatYouProbablyMeant t1_jal5cck wrote

Idk, photos are known to stretch the truth for entertainment / publicity, whereas celebrities are known for being factual.