ShankThatSnitch t1_jef78jy wrote
Grass fed typically means they are grazing I pastures, or being fed hay or silage. Grain fed means they are eating corn and stuff from troughs. The reason they are separated is because the fat content and flavor of the beef will be very different between the too. Grass fed beef will be leaner and earthier tasting. Grain fed will be fattier, and less earthy/minerals.
You will also see stuff like Grass fed, grain finished. Where they spend time in pastures, but then spend the last few months eating grains and other stuff. This builds a healthy beef but then cleans out the earthy flavor, which some don't like.
ShankThatSnitch t1_jeeu03k wrote
Reply to comment by Silent-Speech-232 in Is a $500 car payment too much by [deleted]
That is an extremely stupid idea. Get a credit card and use it for your expenses. Then pay it off in full every month, on time. That will build your credit without wasting $7-8k on interest payments.
Don't over emphasize your credit score, as it will naturally go up over time with consistent on time payments. Your score only matters when trying to make a big purchase like a house or car. And so you are doing this backwards.gwt your score up before you use it for a loan on a car, don't use the car to up your score.
ShankThatSnitch t1_jeescvd wrote
Reply to Is a $500 car payment too much by [deleted]
Do you NEED it right now, or can you wait like 10 months and just pay cash, and Dave yourself a boatload on interest?
ShankThatSnitch t1_je6byq1 wrote
Reply to ELI5: When a third party app says they offer "end to end encryption," what does that mean? by [deleted]
It means it is encrypted on your device, and only decrypted when it reaches the other device.
Sometimes, apps will encrypt the data once it hits the servers, so that, but it is transmitted to those servers un-encrypted first.
ShankThatSnitch t1_jdcpca0 wrote
It won't wreck the economy until they have finished unloading their bags.
ShankThatSnitch t1_jcast7x wrote
Reply to comment by Angiellide in Researchers: Floating solar panels could provide over a third of global electricity by TurretLauncher
You are assuming some weird scenario where we build out local solar, with none of the other components in place. Obviously, anywhere that local solar would be installed would be accompanied with bi-direction meters, micro-inveters, and possibly even local storage.
As for grid vs. local, decisions would be made based on cost, land availability, the grid itself. This will take years and more innovation. You keep glossing over that point where I say this is not a today thing, but something that could happen over decades. Please explain how you k ow what technology will be available 1-2 decades from now?
I am just a web developer, and my point about the company I work at, is not that I am some electricitiy expert, but that I hear the challenges brought up frequently in conversation and company meetings. These are main issues being worked on as we speak, but it is a slow-moving process. And again, solar is only 3-4% of electricity, so all the other stuff that is needed, will be worked on as we scale.
ShankThatSnitch t1_jcamdpl wrote
Reply to comment by Angiellide in Researchers: Floating solar panels could provide over a third of global electricity by TurretLauncher
Yes, our grid also needs upgrading. This is very true and not well understood. But local solar would first power local stuff, and then runoff would be sent to storage facilities, which could also be local, with the next step being municipal. Those could be battery, chemical, mechanical, hydrolic...etc
Of course, all of this has to be done at cost, or else it is useless. But again, as solar scales up, these other things are being worked on, too. Solar is still only like 3-4% of total electricity, so this will all take many years.
I actually work at a public power company, and I hear them talk about the challenges that need to be worked out with the grid and rooftop solar...etc. But this stuff is hardly the biggest challenge humans have tackled.
We have built out massive infrastructure for oil, coal, and gas extraction and refining. Pipelines, gas station networks, and war machines to secure energy sources around the world. We can certainly figure out a well managed solar power network. It just takes time.
ShankThatSnitch t1_jcahxw4 wrote
Reply to comment by Angiellide in Researchers: Floating solar panels could provide over a third of global electricity by TurretLauncher
Well, obviously, utility scale is the main focus, but as technology improves and costs curves keep coming down, I see no reason why we won't come up with cost effective thin films that can line all kind of things.
As for storage, I agree, that is the biggest hurdle, but there are many ideas being researched for that. Solar is still a relatively small % of electricity, so storage can be figured out as we scale up.
ShankThatSnitch t1_jcaheml wrote
Reply to comment by Poverty_Shoes in Researchers: Floating solar panels could provide over a third of global electricity by TurretLauncher
Things can be recycled. The difference with solar to fossil fuels, is onelce the thing is made, it just works for many years before needing to recycle. Fossil fuels are vaporized the moment we need them. No getting those back.
Some types of solar arrays are just mirrors that red-light and boil liquid to spin turbines. And I am sure we will come up with many other types of panels as well.
ShankThatSnitch t1_jc8y4xd wrote
Reply to comment by TK-741 in Researchers: Floating solar panels could provide over a third of global electricity by TurretLauncher
I am not saying every roof needs it, but many roofs can add it, as well as city buildings, big box stores...etc
ShankThatSnitch t1_jc8u6d8 wrote
Reply to comment by thormun in Researchers: Floating solar panels could provide over a third of global electricity by TurretLauncher
You vastly over estimate how much surface area it would take to generate the power we need.
That being said, we should be adding solar to all kinds of places. Roof tops, above parking lots, deserts...and so on.
ShankThatSnitch t1_jc36nyi wrote
From 2000-2012, you had quite the eating problem. Glad you got it under control.
ShankThatSnitch t1_jal8aou wrote
Reply to comment by veerKg_CSS_Geologist in Jay Leno looks great considering he had third degree burns all over his face by hopper75
Yes, this is after the grafting.
ShankThatSnitch t1_jal143z wrote
Reply to comment by smokeyjay in Jay Leno looks great considering he had third degree burns all over his face by hopper75
Except he did have 2nd and 3rd degree burns, and did have surgery.... very confident of you from just a view of a picture.
ShankThatSnitch t1_jakkrkw wrote
Reply to comment by MyNameIsCronus in Jay Leno looks great considering he had third degree burns all over his face by hopper75
3rd degree burns on 40%-50% of your face is not bad? Both of his arms were also burned as well.
ShankThatSnitch t1_jakgi6f wrote
Reply to comment by eggsssssssss in Jay Leno looks great considering he had third degree burns all over his face by hopper75
ShankThatSnitch t1_jakgffk wrote
Reply to comment by crowsive92 in Jay Leno looks great considering he had third degree burns all over his face by hopper75
ShankThatSnitch t1_jaek2pg wrote
Reply to ELI5: Does a volcano have a 'floor' under the lava? or does it go straight to the centre of the earth? by _zobi1kenobi
The lava comes from the lower crust/upper mantel, not the center of the earth. The inner core of the earth is extremely hot but solid iron and nickle metal, because it is under so much pressure. Then, the outer core is a liquid metal. Around that is the mantel, which is a mix of metals and minerals. The area where the crust and mantel meet is where magma comes from.
ShankThatSnitch t1_jae1bhk wrote
Reply to comment by nmxt in eli5 What is the purpose of those little “I am not a robot” buttons. Can a robot seriously not detect and click them? by Lord-Zippy
This is not the answer. I believe it d9es use that as one metric, but what you don't realize is that when you click that box, it is giving Google consent to scan your history and analyze it for human like patterns. If your history is repeated attempts at sites trying to download this or that, or whatever a bot might be set to do, then it would block. Bur if you browsed reddit, then hopped on Amazon, and google the definition of conalingus l, then watched YouTube, the algo would know you are human.
ShankThatSnitch t1_jadjxe9 wrote
Reply to #breakingnews by code6violation
A round ass is always a good opportunity.
ShankThatSnitch t1_ja9slvq wrote
Reply to comment by polarbearbreeze in and I wouldn't change this system for the world. by moonyou22
Theta gang are the ones getting rich off all the loss porn you see posted. Every yolo that has gone to zero, is money in theta gangs pockets
ShankThatSnitch t1_ja8kwmg wrote
Reply to New To Trading Rate my TA? by Training_Height4793
Yup. Those are indeed lines. I am about 99% confident about that.
ShankThatSnitch t1_ja8kjdi wrote
Reply to comment by unreadable_captcha in Girl snorts condom up her nose then pulls it out her mouth by MoonRakerWindow
From a terrible blowjob accident.
ShankThatSnitch t1_j9uydz3 wrote
Reply to comment by NoIncrease299 in DeepMind created an AI system that writes computer programs at a competitive level by inaLilah
ah yes, silly me.
ShankThatSnitch t1_jefiyvo wrote
Reply to ELI5:Why do we exclude the price of things like Food, Housing and Energy costs when looking at the total number for inflation? by DeludedRaven
They exclude food and energy because they are volatile and can be affected by many different things that don't give a clear picture if the underlying trend.
Housing is excluded because they way they calculate housing is moronic and is a terrible measure. Housing is calculated with what is called "Owners equivalent rent." Basically, they survey home owners and ask, I'd you were to rent out your house, what would you charge. People answering a survey unprepared will not give a good answer for that, so the number is a terrible one to consider.